Chapter 3

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"Hey, you must be April. My name's Alex." I said as I hold out my hand the moment I spot the girl walking into the library. Somehow, I bite my tongue on saying anything about how she's twenty minutes late. I figure it's better not to start off on the wrong foot seeing as how we'll be spending awhile together.

Her eyes run up and down my form and I can see wheels turning in her mind. Goosebumps rise over my skin at her careful scrutiny. Without meaning to, my own eyes roam over her form and I'm struck again by how gorgeous she is. Long, blonde hair cascades down her back and over her shoulders. Her sunkissed skin is exposed thanks to her light blue tank top and shorts, not a blemish in sight. Those blue eyes travel back up my body, approval shining in them and I raise an eyebrow, waiting for her to respond.

She lifts her hand and slips it into my outstretched one her smooth skin sliding over mine. It's the best feeling in the world, just holding that hand and I have to give my head a slight shake, forcing those types of thoughts away.

"I'm indeed April. Considering the circumstances, it's not very nice to meet you." A smile curls up one side of her full lips as she releases my hand and walks around the table, her hips swaying until she takes a seat.

Head out of the gutter. I will not let Anthony ruin my train of thought.

I tell myself before turning around and taking a seat across from April.

"So, Mr. Dunrier informed me that you're having trouble with the coursework. What parts don't you understand?" I meet her eyes and wait for her to answer. A struggle starts in them before she sighs and bends down for her bag. There's the rustling of paper and then she spreads out six different tests over the table.

Holy shit. I didn't think someone could be this stupid.

My eyes travel between this gorgeous girl who sits across from me and the test grades that even a second grader could top.

"So," I start as I clear my throat, trying my best not to laugh at April. "Everything then?" Thankfully, she doesn't take offense to how I'm acting. Instead, that smile returns and I can feel my heart stutter in my chest as she nods.

"Yeah, basically. Math has never been my strong suit and, since this is a math class, you can see how things aren't exactly adding up here." Her little pun doesn't go unnoticed by me, but I ignore it and shift through the tests. My eyes scan over where most of her problems seem to be before setting the papers to the side.

"Well," I start as I return her smile. It seems to catch her off guard for only a moment. "That's why I'm here. To make sure they do."

If I've got anything to do with it they will. If not, then I'll be held responsible.

We get down to work after that. It takes a little while, but I'm pretty impressed with how quick April seems to catch on. It's as if she never really needed help, she just needed to apply herself a little more and take things seriously.

"I got it!" April exclaimed and I can tell she wants to jump up and scream in excitement at the top of her lungs. We'd been working on a difficult problem that I knew she'd have some trouble with. With a little encouragement, though, and some guidance she caught onto what she had to do.

I smile at April, proud that she's doing so well. Proud that I'm one of the reasons she's doing so well. My original impression of her was wrong. I came in here today thinking she'd just blow the whole thing off. I was actually surprised when she walked into the library at all.

Given, she was late, but still.

"I knew you could do it," I said and April looks away from me, breaking our eye contact. I note a light blush dusting her cheeks that has me furrowing my brows in confusion. A small part of me wants to get up and turn her around so I can admire the beautiful, light color. Even from this angle, I can see the way it compliments her eyes adding to her beauty.

She continues to avert her gaze from me and I notice a small shimmering of what I think are tears in April's eyes. My heart skips a beat with worry as I ask,

"Hey, are you alright?"

She nods and takes another moment before turning towards me an almost blinding and brilliant smile lighting her features. That smile has my heart stuttering in my chest and I can feel my cheeks begin to warm. Those gorgeous eyes of hers shift a few degrees south and I clear my throat.

"I think we'll call it a day for now," I said trying to divert her attention as I look away and collect the reference books I'd brought along to help out today. April nods in agreement and, before I can get another word out she's gone. I snort and shake my head. "Well, bye to you too. Have a good day." I take my time collecting my things not in near as much of a rush as April. "She probably has plans with someone." My gut twists at the thought and it only confuses me as I pick up my bag and make for the door. I move my hand over my stomach as I do, a frown turning down the corners of my mouth.


As I walk out of the building I feel my eyes widen in shock when they land on April at the bottom of the stairs, two ice cream cones in hand. There's a light sheen of sweat glistening over her features and I note her labored breathing.

Did she run all the way back?

"As thanks, for today." She said as she holds one of the cones out to me pulling my attention from my thoughts. I take it and can't contain my joy. Never, not in a million years, did I think that I would eat ice cream with April let alone the fact that she bought the cones too.


"I wasn't sure what flavor you'd have liked, so I just got you my favorite. Rocky Road."


I raise an eyebrow at that as I say,

"That's actually my favorite as well."

April looks as surprised as I feel before a smile as bright as her sunshine locks of hair lights up her features.

"What a coincidence."

That smile has me moving before I can think and I find myself nodding towards the path that the track and field team uses to train.

I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet.

"Want to take a walk?" I asked as I set my things down beside the stairs. The wheels turn in her eyes as she contemplates my question and I just about jump for joy when she sets her own things down beside mine on the stairs.

"Sure." She smiles that smile at me once more and my heart stops in my chest. The feeling alone has my stomach knotting as dread battles it's way into my body.

Oh no.

I find myself thinking as we start off.

I think I've fallen under her spell.

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