Chapter 3

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"Truth or Dare? Really, Jacob? We're going to play a stupid children's game?" I questioned annoyance seeping into my voice. Jacob takes a seat beside me on the ground his eyes scouring the crowd for one person. I do a quick sweep as well, only I don't find my ray. I haven't had a single glimpse of her since we'd shown up at this stupid party and now I'm just itching to get home.

"Shut up, Noah, and just relax."

I toss my arms up at his calm tone my anger spiking.

"No, I won't relax. Jacob, I have responsibilities. Adult responsibilities where, if I don't pay my bills bad things will happen."

Jacob glances at me and sighs as he runs his hand through his hair, moving some of the brown strands out of his eyes.

"Listen, if you really want to leave, go ahead-"

"Give me the keys!"

"But," He continues as if I hadn't cut him off. "You should check twelve o'clock before making your final decision." Jacob nods his head in the direction and I whip my head around. My anger and annoyance vanish as if they had never been there, to begin with as my eyes land on her.

Dark brown hair cascades in waves down Claud's shoulders, resting on her exposed skin. Her even darker brown eyes flicker over everything, not letting anything go unnoticed. Pale arms extend from under the ruffled sleeves of her dark red off the shoulder top and she crosses them over her chest. It's subtle, but I catch her rubbing her hands up and down her arms no doubt trying to garner some warmth from the friction. My eyes go further down to her legs that seem to extend for miles on end, exposed thanks to her dark blue shorts.

A lump forms in my throat as my eyes travel back up her amazing form only to have my eyes clash with those deadly ones of her own. I suck in a sharp breath as the light from the bonfire seems to hallow around her making Claud look more gorgeous than I would think possible.

My light.

Claud's eyes leave mine as she looks to her best friend, Kaley, who takes the last available seat on the log to my left. My eyes go to the available space beside me and, judging by the way a frown turns down the corners of her mouth, she notices it as well. My own lips quirk upwards as I pull one knee up and rest my arm on it, almost beckoning my light towards me.

Come on.

I cooed in my mind, my smile growing.

Come to me.

She closes the short amount of distance between us and takes the seat. I look over to her just as she glances at me, our eyes clashing so I give her the best damn smile I own. The one I know will make any girl swoon.

"Hey, Claudette." I said, using her full name because I know just how much she hates it. Anytime one of the teachers uses it in class she'll almost go off on them. Just as expected her beautiful browns narrow and it only widens my smile.

"Hey, Noah. What're you doing here? Did the girls suddenly grow brains and stop falling for your mischevious ways?"


I chuckle.

Is that how you want to play this?

Claud pulls her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs which just draws my eyes to them.

How is a guy supposed to think properly when you're sitting here looking like that?

My eyes move back up to her's and I notice a very small amount of blush dusting her cheeks. It takes everything I've got not to run my hands over her cheek knowing that, if I do, even more of that attractive color will appear.

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