Chapter 2

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"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!"

I groan at the loud voice invading my peaceful slumber. Loud footsteps soon follow after the voice and I know exactly where all that stomping is heading. To prepare I grab my pillow, turn on my stomach and hold it down over my head as tightly as possible. A few seconds later I hear my room door being slammed open and I flinch at the atrocious noise. Anything that involves Mariah is always loud.

"What are you doing Kat?! You need to be awake right now!!" She screeches bloody murder and I tighten my hold on the pillow.

I'm not going down without a fight.

"I'm sleeping." I said though I'm sure it sounds like a bunch of intelligible bull to her ears. A second later my bed is dipping down to one side.

"Sleep is for the weak!" She latches her fake, glued on claws to my plump pillow. My grip becomes steel.

She really isn't kidding.

I find myself thinking as she tugs at the pillow with all her might. I don't give in, though. Not yet, not like this. The moment I surrender it'll all be over.

"I have officially found you your one true love."

I groan. Of course, this would be why she's coming to wake me up at god knows what time on a Saturday morning. She wouldn't be here for any other reason. The girl likes her sleep just as much as I do.

"Then stop trying to take me from them. You'll never separate my memory foam and me."

Mariah stops tugging and I can hear her huff in annoyance. I'm frozen from shock.

Could I have actually won for once?

I question. That thought process is yanked from my grasp seconds later as I feel my comforter being lifted up. Cool air leaks under the blanket and moves across my bare feet.


I thought.

She wouldn't.

She does. The pillow flies from my iron grip as I'm taken over in a fit of giggles, her artificial claws running across the skin of my bare foot. I turn over onto my back, trying to get away, but it's no use, she just continues her tirade.

"You-you monster! I-I thought you were m-my friend!" I accused between giggles. Mariah stops and just looks down at me, entangled in my comforter with bed head. There's a victorious and haughty look to her hazelnut ones.

"I am your friend, which is exactly why I'm finding you your one true love."

I groan, this time out loud as I sit up in bed, running a hand through my hair that's as dark as my soul. I snort.

That sounded super emo.

Mariah brushes off my snort, no doubt thinking it's me doubting her spidey romance senses. I do doubt them. After six blind dates that ended in absolute failure, you tend to lose some faith in your best friend ever finding you the infamous 'one'. I untangle myself from my comforter and shuffle my way to the bathroom, glancing at the clock on the way.

7 A.M. on a Saturday. That's gotta be some type of crime.

Mariah just follows me, not letting up on her cause.

"No, I absolutely swear this time. This guy is your soul mate."

I look at her, deadpan in the mirror, my doubt shining clear as day.

"Yeah, that's what you said about number three, remember? Turns out mister soul mate already had five others destined to be with him."

Mariah scrunches her nose, but I continue on as I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"Or maybe you remember number five who was, and I quote, 'the man of my dreams'. Yeah, that 'dream' didn't go too far when all he wanted was a quick service in his car." She remains quiet. "Maybe you remember number six-"

"Okay, okay, okay. I know that my...choices may have been a little off the mark."

I raise an eyebrow.

"But you know that not all of them were bad."

I sigh as I start brushing away at my pearly whites. I meet my own blue eyes in the mirror.
Mariah's got me there. Even though all of them didn't work out in the end, a few of them weren't too bad. Like number one, for example. He was a really great guy and we actually had fun on our date, we just didn't have too much in common so we didn't get together. We actually still talk off and on now, just to catch up every so often.

"Come on, I know you won't regret this one," Mariah said, latching onto my arm and looking at me with her big, brown, puppy dog eyes. She knows that I'm weak against it and I find myself giving in. "YES!" She shouts, fist bumping the air.

"This is the last one, Mariah," I said and she doesn't seem to believe me. "I mean it. No more after this. I'm getting sick of you ruining my sleep in days." I point my toothbrush at her, wielding it like a weapon.

"Fine. It doesn't matter anyway since, after this one, you won't need to search for 'the one'. You'll already have him."

I roll my eyes and spit into the sink before looking at my reflection.

"We'll see."

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now