Chapter 5

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I'm not sure how many houses Ray wrangles me into teepeeing since I stopped counting after the fifth one. What I do know is that it's the most fun I've in a while. My stomach hurts from laughter rather than other things and tear trails run down my cheeks not from pain or shame, but from humor.

As I collapse on the bench that Ray and I have claimed as ours I'm both physically and mentally exhausted. I check my phone and groan when I realize I only have ten minutes until I need to be home.

"What's up? Got a curfew?" Ray asked as he leans closer, looking at my phone screen as if he has no shame. I shiver as his breath runs across my cheek before clicking my phone off and shoving it in my pocket.

"Why yes, I do." I said as I stand up. Ray grabs my wrist, stopping me from leaving. I look down at him and snort at the puppy dog eyes.

"But, but we haven't even guessed the other's name."

Oh yeah.

I thought.

We were playing a game. I forgot about that.

A smile upturns my mouth. I'd forgotten about the game because I'd been having so much fun. I was hanging out with Ray being me, not a care in the world like those kids from earlier. My eyes go to Ray's hand, clasped around my wrist. His warm skin heats mine and it creates a nice, content feeling within me.

But who was that me hanging out and having fun?

I look back at Ray and his eyes widen in surprise at the begging mine must hold. I lean towards him, bending down until there are only inches between us. The close proximity has our body heats mingling together and a part of me wants nothing more than to wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close.

Please tell me,

"Michelangelo," I whispered his name before swallowing a lump that's formed in my throat and forcing myself to stand back up. It takes him a moment to process what I'd just said and I chuckle.

Tell me who I am.


"Let's just say I'm a shameless fan of the ninja turtles." I wink and start to tuck some more loose strands behind my ear before stopping and just pulling my ponytail out. I watch as I finger comb it waiting and waiting for him to speak up and at least guess at my name. He never does and we sit in silence for a moment.

Thank you, Michelangelo.

"Anyway, I've won our little game so I'm gonna head home. Maybe we'll see each other at school tomorrow. I'll be waiting to see if you can figure out my name." There's a pleading to my voice that has me cringing on the inside. I turn on my heel and walk away from my one night friend because I'm sure he'll be gone tomorrow and so will my chance for help.

Thank you for trying.

My stomach knots and my smile falls away as I wrap my arms around my middle, solemn as I walk home.

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