Chapter 4

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"Shut up already, Jacob!" I growled out. He ignores me as he continues to roll on the ground like a fool, laughing himself to the point of crying.

"Dude, he can't. You were completely rejected and by the girl you said is off limits to all of us no less." Trevor said drawing my gaze towards him. He wears a cocky smile that just begs to become intimate with my fist. I don't get the chance as he looks to Victoria who stands beside him. The girl that Claud chose over me for her dare. "So, Victoria, do tell. Was Claud a good kisser?"

Victoria crosses her arms over her chest. She raises a perfect eyebrow as she says,

"Compared to you a dog would kiss better."

I snort and cross my arms over my chest. I haven't known Victoria or Trevor for long. We only just started hanging in the same crowd at the beginning of the year, but from what time we've spent together I've learned that they're constantly at each other's throats. Trevor loves screwing with Victoria and, from what I can tell, Victoria loves screwing with Trevor.

I think he's actually been after her for a while, she's just not giving in.

"You want to test that out?" Trevor takes a suggestive step towards Victoria and she snorts, standing her ground. Her eyes meet Trevor's head on.

"I'd rather kiss my foot than you." Victoria challenged a gleam in her eyes that I only ever notice when she's getting into it with Trevor. He raises an eyebrow and his grin widens as he leans down leaving only a sliver of space between them.

"Are you telling me you've got a foot fetish, baby?"

Victoria blushes and, for a moment, I think he's got her cornered. Instead, it's more like she's got him cornered as she reaches up and rests her hand on his cheek. Standing up on her tiptoes she whispers something in his ear that has Trevor becoming as red as a stop sign. It's the best damn thing I've seen and I find myself right beside my childhood friend as I lose myself in a fit of laughter.

"So long, boys," Victoria said as she walks off with April, waving back as she goes.

"I'll get her one of these times," Trevor muttered and I just laugh harder.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now