Chapter 1

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"Seriously? Again? Dude, this is the third time this week! How many times are you going to cancel on me?" I asked, anger radiating in my voice as I walk down the sidewalk. The heat from the sun pounds down on my back making me feel sluggish and disgusting as I sweat. Reaching up I run my hand over the back of my neck only to have it come away slick.

"Chris, I'm sorry." Mikey said over the phone and I roll my eyes at that apology.

"Yeah, sorry doesn't do shit for me."

"Dude, if I knew you would act like a scorned girlfriend I never would have made plans with you in the first place."

"I am not! Don't even go there." I stop walking and look up at the sky through tree leaves. It's a cloudless day and the sun is brutal. These past few days have been unnaturally hot in Oregon despite it being the beginning of November.

"We'll hang out tomorrow."

"That's what you said last time you rescheduled."

"You sure you don't want to check certain areas to make sure you're still a guy? I'm seriously starting to wonder."


"I'm going. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He hangs up before I can utter a single word in retaliation and I huff out in annoyance as I look down at my black phone screen. Blonde strands of hair fall into my eyes and I rake my hands through my hair in annoyance as I look away and shove my phone in my back pocket.

Ditched again.

My eyes scour the scenery of the neighborhood I grew up in until they land on one house in particular. Or, more accurately, one person.

A girl sits on her cement front steps, shaded by her houses shadow. Long, light brown hair sits on her right shoulder and she fans herself with a hand looking like she's suffering in this heat just as much as the next person. Her brown eyes flicker over everything and it's like she never misses anything.

She's there every day.

Memories of walking by this house the last few days and seeing her in the same exact position filter through my mind. Every day. The same spot. The same position.

Does she just never do anything?

I questioned as a strong breeze blows. Her hair whips around her face and she squeezes her eyes shut as her hand lifts to tame the mane running amok around her face. It's hypnotic and I find myself jogging across the street and walking down her cement walkway.

"Hey," I start and she jumps in surprise which has my lips twitching upwards. "I see you here every day. Do you just never do anything?" It takes a moment until she get's her hair under control and, as soon as she has it moved out of her face those beautiful light browns travel up my tall body until they land on my eyes. Just locking eyes with her sends a zap of electricity through me.

They're so clear.

"I do what I want." Her response is humorous and I find it difficult not to laugh, especially when she looks away from me giving a clear signal that I'm not wanted right now. This just spurs me on, even more, to get something from her. It's a strange need that manifests in me.

I want those eyes back on me.

I sit down beside her, stretching my legs out in front of me and leaning back on my hands.

"Oooh, a rebel with a cause. I like that."

I really do.

I find myself thinking and I catch her rolling those eyes as she leans her chin onto her hand. Her eyes narrow as she studies her front yard. A clouded look fills them and it's clear that I'm losing her to the past.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now