Chapter 1

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"Come on, Charlotte! You're so slow!"

    I raise an eyebrow at my adorable little sister bouncing from foot to foot at the bottom of the steps. Long, brown curls she'd inherited from our mother rest over her shoulders and cascade down the back of her black and purple witches costume. Large, blue eyes look up at me, both of them concealed for the most part as the tip of her witches hat falls into her face.

    "Oh, calm down little witch," I said as I take a seat on the third step from the bottom. "We'll leave soon enough. There's no need to get your brooms in a twist."

    Katie gapes at my audacity to so easily sit down while she's rearing to go. She reaches out, dropping her broom on the ground in favor of grabbing my arm.

    "Come on!" She grunted as she pulls with all her might which, as a five-year-old, isn't much. I do find it pretty amusing, my lips tipping up in a smile. "All the good candy will be gone if we don't hurry!"

    I chuckle and reach out with the arm she's not latched onto. Pushing up the tip of her witches hat, I smile down at my sister with all the warmth of a fireplace on a cold, winter evening as I say,

    "We've got plenty of time, little witch. There's no need to be in such a rush."

    Despite my kind and soft tone Katie still huffs out in annoyance as she releases me and crosses her arms over her chest. I just roll my eyes.

    Typical child tantrum.

    "This isn't a joke, Charlotte! You're not even in costume yet. At this rate, Halloween will be over before we even leave the house."

    I snort and open my mouth to respond, but Katie continues on.

    "Just because you don't like eating candy anymore doesn't mean I don't."

    The smile falls from my face and my stomach turns over on itself. I can feel the blood draining from my face and I can only imagine how terrible I must look.

    "Charlotte, are you alright?"

    I jump, startled by the new voice and my eyes clash with the ones I'd inherited from dad. Worry contorts his face and fills those brown eyes I've come to love and look up to for the last eighteen years of my life. Just knowing that I'm the cause of his worry makes me feel a hundred times worse.

    Push it down.

    I tell myself.

    Don't let them see you like this. They can't know.

    My eyes travel from my dad to Katie who's lost the attitude and genuinely looks worried for her older sister.

    Just breathe.

    I remind myself and I do. I breathe and I regain control. My gaze switches between my sister and our dad, grey hair falling into his kind, brown eyes. Wrinkles line his face and dark circles live under his eyes.

    "I'm fine." I finally forced out, a smile I don't feel curling up my lips. The vile thing churns in my stomach and I bite down on the inside of my cheek to keep my turmoil under the surface.

    "Oh, good, you worried me there for a moment." My father breathed a sigh of relief, oblivious to my struggle underneath the surface.

    A tug at my sleeve draws my eyes down to my sister. A concern is still in those adorable and beautiful blues.

    "I'm fine," I said once more. "So fine, in fact, that we can leave in just five minutes. How does that sound?" My smile becomes a tad bit real as the concern vanishes from my sister's eyes. The huge smile plants itself on her face and she tosses her arms up in the air as she says,

    "That sounds spell-tacular!"

    I raise an eyebrow at her little pun and look towards our father, crossing my arms over my chest as I do.

    "I wonder where she learned that from."

    He just smiles and shakes his head.

    "At least one of my daughters isn't completely hopeless in the humor department."

    "You wouldn't know good humor if it smacked you in the face, dad." I stand from my seat on the stairs, walking the last few steps down to the hallway. My dad acts shocked by the words as if they break his soul. I hate to admit it, but he does make me crack a smile.

    "Ha! There it is, don't think I don't see that smile. You know I'm hilarious."

    "Yeah, whatever," I said with a roll of my eyes, though my smile still tips my lips upwards. He just chuckles as he crouches down to Katie's height.

    "So, you girls are going out?"

    "Yes!" Katie shouted, barely able to contain her excitement. A serious look overtakes our dad's features and it's clear that the happy-go-lucky and fun one we love is gone. Who we see now is our protective father. The change is bone chilling.

    "Do you remember all the rules?"

    All humor leaves Katie's face as well as she stands straight as a pole and nods.

    "Don't leave Charlotte's side. Don't wander off alone. Don't talk to anyone I don't know. Don't follow Strangers."

    Our dad smiles, returning to normal as he flicks the top of the witches hat that's found its way back into Katie's face.

    "And have fun." He stands back up and looks between the both of us. "I'd say you two are all set." His eyes turn to me and I stand taller. "Don't forget, Katie needs to be back by 7:30 tonight. Then, you can go out with your friends."

    I nod, smile, and don't say anything to that.

    "No! We are most certainly not set! Charlotte isn't even dressed up!" Katie whined pulling a sigh from me. Why can't she let this whole dress up thing go? We've been arguing about it for weeks now.

    "I told you, Katie, I'm not dressing up this year. Let's just go have fun, alright?" I asked, holding out my hand for her to take. She stands with her arms crossed and toddler attitude written all over her face.

    "No." She said like a child throwing their temper tantrum in a toy store. I scrunch my nose at her reply before a light turns on in my mind. I smile.

    "Well fine," I start. "Then I'll just get all the candy." I turn and walk towards the front door. It's not until I grab and turn the handle, an audible click resounding through the front entryway, does she finally break.

    "Okay, okay, fine! I'll let it go this time, but next year you're definitely dressing up."

    I look back at our dad and share a smile with him as I roll my eyes and say,

    "Why of course, little witch."

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now