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Oh man, oh man, oh man!

Welp, we've gone and done it, Bookoholic's. Our Year Together has hit 500 reads! That's insane and it's all thanks to you guys. I mean, without you, the book would still be at a measly 0 so, when I say thank you, believe that it's from the bottom of my heart.

I have loved every minute of writing this novel and I'm loving every minute of writing it's sequel. I can't even begin to tell you all how excited I am for you to read what's to come. I hope you're ready for laughs, tears, and a whole bunch of emotional roller coasters. If not, well start buckling up.

Until then, however, I've written something not only as thanks for reaching this awesome milestone but also as something to hold you over until then. A chapter-long side story. Yep, you've read me right, Bookoholic's. Get ready to dive back into the world of Our Year Together as two characters you've gotten to know and love in their story come back for a second adventure.

Some things to keep in mind.

* The story takes place in November.

* It takes place between the third and fourth story.

* It's 3,500 words

Now then, I have one more thing to say before I release you.


Thank you for reading.

Thank you for voting.

Thank you for commenting.

And, most of all,

Thank you for being here with me once more!

So, without further ado, I give you Lights...Camera...Cake!

Until next time, Bookoholic's!

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now