Chapter 4

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I get to the diner a few minutes later since it's not too far from my house. It's surprisingly full with families and friends sitting at tables together and chatting it up.

My eyes scour the place until they land on one girl sitting alone at a booth in the back corner. It's pretty obvious she's hunched down and trying her damnedest to not be spotted. The sight has the corners of my mouth quirking up into a smile. I stand taller and walk over to the girl I know is the one for me.

"Hey, Katheryn," I spoke once I'm standing beside the table. She glances up before glancing away only to whip her head back around. Those gorgeous blues settle on me and I find it pretty amusing watching her do a double take. I smile down at her and a small amount of pink comes to life in her cheeks.

"Oh, um, yeah. That'd be me and you are?"

I raise an eyebrow at that, surprised that she doesn't already know my name.

Did Mariah not tell her?

I wonder before responding,

"My name's Gregory, but you can just call me Greg."

She nods and my smile widens as I take a seat across from her. As if knowing we're set our waitress comes over, taking our drink orders and placing down two menus. I pick mine up at the same time Kat does hers.

"So, have you ever been here before?"

Those blue eyes meet mine from above her menu and my heart stops for a second in my chest.

God, this girl is beautiful.

I find myself thinking only to become embarrassed at the mere thought a moment later.

"Oh yeah, all the time. I live right down the street which is why my best friend Mariah chose this place, you know. She's the one who set this all up, you know?"

I nod at this, my smile growing as she rambles on. That breathtaking pink becomes darker in her cheeks as she realizes her own rambling, but seems unable to stop.

"She likes to play matchmaker, but she chose this in case, you know, the date doesn't go well and I can make a quick know?" Her face is full on tomato red now and I chuckle as I close my own menu. I've been here a few times as well with my family and a few friends so I'm kind of familiar with the food. Though, the thing that catches my interest is the multiple dates. Leaning forward I rest my chin on my hands and ask,

"So, you do this often?"

If at all possible the girl gets redder and I'm on the verge of just letting loose with my laughter. She closes her own menu and my eyes follow her hands as she starts playing with her hair.

"Not if I can help it. My best friend tends to be...persuasive. She knows how to make me cave."

I raise an eyebrow intrigued by this supposed way to make Kat cave. At school, she always stands tall and unmoving like a mountain that can't be knocked down. Just seeing her this flustered seems like a rarity.

A rarity that I'm causing.

I take great joy in the thought as I lean forward on my elbows.

"Care to enlighten me?"

She smiles, actually smiles, the one I've seen her wear at school. It's the best damn thing I've ever seen and it's directed at me.

I want that smile for me alone.

I find myself thinking as she says,

"Nah, I'd have to kill you if I told you."

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now