Chapter 3

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By Saturday evening I'm a ball of nerves. Not once, throughout the rest of the week did Kat approach me. She hadn't even looked my way which had me wondering if she'd actually show up at the diner tonight.

"What if this is just a cruel prank?" I asked Seth for some type of reassurance for the umpteenth time tonight. He groans and leans back in my desk chair, looking up at my ceiling. Annoyance and exhaustion are etched into his features and I know I must be getting on my best friends nerves.

"I already told you, Greg, that everything will be fine. Kat was probably just shy which is why she didn't approach you. Don't even worry about it. Just go have fun."

I turn away from Seth and back to my mirror as I start fidgeting with the sleeve of my shirt to make sure I look okay. Before much can be done Seth steps directly in front of me.


He places his hands on my shoulders, turns me around, and forces me out of the room. Before I can even turn around I hear the door slamming and the noise of a lock clicking into place.

"Hey! Seth, open the door!"

"No! You're forbidden from coming back in here."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

"It's my room you can't forbid me from entering it."

I hear him laugh through the door before he says,

"Well, I just did. Now get lost and go to your date. Your nerves are setting mine on edge. I need a break from it." Footsteps sound through the room and a moment later I hear the tv startup.

"Leave it to him." Despite my annoyance, I can't stop the smile from turning up the corners of my mouth. "Thanks," I whispered before turning and heading towards my date.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now