Chapter 1

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"You want me to what?" I asked the shock no doubt evident in my voice as I look down on my teacher, Mr. Dunrier. He sighs as he runs his hand through dark brown hair, exhaustion evident on his features bringing out his true age of forty.

"I want you to tutor April." His brown eyes meet mine and I find it almost impossible to look away. "You know who she is, right?"

"Yes, I know who she is." It's my turn to sigh now because never did I think I'd get a challenge like this in my life.

Of course, I know April. Who doesn't know the girl?

A frown pulls down the corners of my mouth. April is constantly the talk of the school and it's not just because she's hot. She also has a great personality and a hell of an attitude to back it up. Not to mention that she's close friends with Victoria and Trevor's group. It's hard not to know just who April is.

"Listen, Mr. Dunrier, I'm flattered that you've considered me for this position, but I've got a lot that I'm focusing on right now. With the senior year starting soon there's a lot I need to prepare for and I believe that taking on the responsibility of tutoring someone might be a bit much, even for me." I smile as I reject this tutoring position as best I can. Really, I just want to give him a direct no and leave the classroom, but saying no to people has never been an easy thing for me no matter who the person asking is.

He's a bit of an asshole if I'm being completely honest.

"I was worried you might say that. Listen, Alex, I understand that you've got a lot going on right now so I understand if you decline, but you're my last hope for this girl. She's so far behind that, without a student like you, I'm afraid she won't be able to graduate with the class."

A lump forms at the sincere note in his voice and at the pressure that comes with tutoring this girl. If I take it on and she fails then that's automatically on me.

Do I really want that responsibility?

Before I can question it too much Mr. Dunrier starts talking again.

"She's a great student and I know that she can have a bright future she just needs someone like you there to help guide the way. April won't listen to me because I'm a teacher so, maybe she'll listen to a fellow classmate."

"Fine." I find myself agreeing before I can stop and I groan inwardly at what I've just damned myself to.

I really need to get better at saying no to these types of things.

Mr. Dunrier smiles up at me as he says,

"Great! Let's start making the schedule so it won't interfere with your own too much."

I just nod and we get to work, the whole time a single thought running through my mind.

What have I gotten myself into?

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now