Chapter 4

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I find a seat towards the back of the diner, half hoping that I'll be able to avoid this thing altogether.

"Hey, Katheryn." My name being spoken draws my eyes from the table and towards the person who'd spoken. A guy stands above me and I find myself doing a double take because, damn if he isn't nice to look at. His dirty blond hair falls into his light brown eyes and his smile has my heart stuttering within my chest. I clear my throat, not too ladylike as I say,

"Oh, um, yeah, that'd be me and you are?" He flashes me a thousand watt smile as he says,

"My names Gregory, though you can just call me Greg."

I nod and motion for him to take the seat across from me. Our waitress comes by a second later and takes our drink order before leaving. We sit in an awkward silence and I hide behind the menu for some type of solace.

"So," Greg starts, drawing my attention away from the menu. "Have you ever been here before?"

"Oh, yeah all the time. I live right down the street which is why my best friend Mariah chose this place, you know. She's the one who set this all up, you know."

Stop talking.

"She likes to play matchmaker, but she chose this in case, you know, the date doesn't go well and I can make a quick know?"

Have I always said 'you know' so many times? Do I do that?

I mentally kick myself for chattering on like some idiot, but what am I supposed to do. The guy looks like a freaking model while I look like his outside trash. It's a wonder that Mariah chose him for me. Much to my relief, Greg finds my ramblings amusing. He closes the menu he'd had open and leans forward on his elbows.

"So, you do this often?" He asked and I blush at his intense stare. I close my own menu and begin to play with a strand of my hair.

"Not if I can help it. My best friend tends to be..persuasive. She knows how to make me cave."

Greg raises a curious eyebrow as interest comes to life in his enticing eyes. He seems to lean forward another inch.

"Care to enlighten me?"

I smile and shake my head, feeling relief at how easy the conversation seems to be progressing. It's almost as if I'm talking with an old friend and not a blind date.

"Nah, I'd have to kill you if I told you."

He leans back and snaps his fingers like I'd just ruined his night. I can't help but snort because the look on his face is downright adorable.

"So, this was a blind date for you? Is that why you haven't approached me at all at school?" Greg asked and my brows raise up in surprise.

"It wasn't a blind date for you?"

He shakes his head, both of us having been duped it would appear.

"No, I approached Mariah and asked her about setting up a date since I've been interested in you for a while." It takes him a second to realize what he just said and, when he does, his face burns bright with blush. At the mere sight of it, my own flames come to life under my skin.

"Wait, why are you blushing?" I asked, laughter in my voice mixed with nerves.

"I don't know, it just kind of happened." Our gazes clash with one another and after a moment of silence, we burst into laughter.

"Just so you know," I start as I get myself under control. "I had no idea about this until this morning. Mariah came and woke me up at seven." I groan and shudder as I remember this morning. "It was terrible. I hate waking up early in the morning."

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