Chapter 2

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"You have to What?!"

"My reaction exactly when Mr. Dunrier told me about the tutoring job," I said as I turn my desk chair around and look to my friend, Anthony. He had been lying down on my bed scrolling through his phone, but now he sits up looking at me with wide eyes filled with shock. I look up to my popcorn ceiling before letting my eyes wander over the dark blue walls of my room.

"You seriously have to tutor April?" Anthony asked once more drawing my gaze back to him. I nod and raise an eyebrow when one corner of his mouth lifts in a smirk. "Well, I'm sure it won't be all that bad. The girl's hot."

"Shut up." I grab an eraser from my desk and chuck it at him. He just laughs and ducks out of the way. "Obviously I don't look at her that way."

"Oh really?" His voice holds disbelief and I nod. "Whatever you say, man. I don't think anyone can look at April without having certain types of thoughts."

"Not everyone is a perverted asshole like you."

Anthony raises his hands in the air and just continues to grin away like a fool. This is nothing new for him. For as long as I've known Anthony, he's always been the type of guy who goes for looks. It's because of this fact that we always get into little disputes like this.

For all his shallowness, though, he can still be a decent guy when he wants to be.

"Guilty as charged." He lowers his hands and switches back to the topic at hand as he asks, "So, how long do you have to tutor the girl? The rest of the summer because that'd seriously blow. We do have plans and shit. This is our last summer in high school."

I turn in my chair and pick up the schedule Mr. Dunrier and I had put together. My eyes scan over the paper filled with dates and meeting times for April and me.

"Not too long. Only a few weeks and we planned it around everything I already have scheduled."

Anthony nods his approval and lies back on my bed once more as his eyes are drawn back to his phone screen.

"Good. It would have sucked if we couldn't do some of the things we had planned because of some chick who's on the verge of flunking out."

My thoughts go back to what Mr. Dunrier had said. How I'm basically April's last hope if she wants to graduate in June with everyone. It struck me at all that she's anywhere near the verge of flunking. Victoria and Trevor aren't just known around the school for their popularity. They're also the two people holding the top spots academically. It's a wonder at all that they'd let their friend get so close to failing.

April, huh?

Anthony hadn't been wrong when he said the girl's hot. She's gorgeous and a handful of my friends have already tried to go out with her, Anthony included. They'd all been shot done so quick it was painful just watching.

I don't think I've ever even seen her hang out with anyone outside of Victoria and Trevor. Does she even have any other friends?

I picture the beautiful girl in my mind. Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, sun-kissed skin that makes me think she's in the wrong state half the time.

Her attitude is the problem.

Every time I see April around school she always has a devil may care aura wrapped around her. It's a wonder people outside of her small circle have any type of courage to get close to her at all. All the times I'd passed her in the hall it never so much as crossed my mind to get close.

It's almost like poking a sleeping lion.

I shudder at the mere thought because it's perfect for her. A deadly and beautiful creature.

This ought to be interesting.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now