Chapter 1

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"Isn't true love amazing?"

I turn around at the question and smile when my eyes clash with that of my best friends. Mariah walks down the school hallway, textbooks in hand and a dreamy smile on her face. I raise an eyebrow at that smile, curious as to just what put it there.

"Yeah, I guess. Care to enlighten me as to what true love you're talking about?" My eyes cast down to the books in her hand and a light goes off as they land on the one we're reading in English. "I get it. You're in your Romeo and Juliet phase. Why do they make us cover this thing every year? It's ridiculous."

Mariah gapes at me as if I've just spoken against some scared rule.

"What are you talking about?! The fact that we get to experience the love between sir Romeo and lady Juliet is the best thing someone could ever ask for."

Here we go again.

I roll my eyes as I stop in front of my locker and open it, shoving my unneeded textbooks back into the dark hole and pulling out the ones I'll need for the next class. Mariah stays by my side, chattering on and on about the true love of the story and how Shakespeare was a god for creating something oh so amazing.

I hate when she gets like this.

I look up to the skies, silently praying.

Just don't let it fall back on me again.

Anytime Mariah gets into her true love phase she always tries to find me 'the one'. At first, it wasn't so bad, but over the years since we entered high school, it's gotten more and more ridiculous.

It's as if her life depends on finding me, my one true love.

I roll my eyes at how absurd the thought alone sounds. Unlike my friend, I don't believe in those types of things. Mariah narrows her eyes and points an accusatory finger at me.

"The only reason you don't understand the amazingness that is true love is that you've yet to meet your perfect guy." She stands tall with a smile curling her lips that has me shuddering. I know that smile all too well. "It's only a matter of time, though. I'll find your guy eventually."

I look down the hall where wonderful escape lies in wait. After grabbing what I need, I close my locker door and start walking.

"You know, if you keep setting me up with guys, eventually I will hit it off with one of them. If someone continuously tries at something they'll succeed at least once in their lifetime." I look over at her, a frown decorating my features as I brush some black strands of hair behind my ear. "Whether or not the hit you claim you'll find me is 'the one' or not is something completely different."

"Why do you have to be so pessimistic?" Mariah asked and I shrug as I say,

"It's not that I'm pessimistic, we just believe in different things. One of those just happens to be that you believe in true love while I believe it's a load of bull."

Mariah's frown increases and my lips tip up with a smile because she's adorable when she pouts like that.

"It's nothing to be upset about. I just don't believe that there's one true person out there for everyone. It's a pretty far-fetched idea and way of thinking." We get to my classroom and stop out front of the door. Mariah still wears her frown and she's looking down at the Shakespeare book in her arms.

"Your way of thinking is just too lonely. What about love?"

"There's a lot more to life than just love, Mariah. Just because you're obsessed with it doesn't mean I have to be."

At that, she starts looking like she's about to burst into tears and I begin to panic. I've never been good at dealing with water works, no matter who they're from.

"But, you know," I start and she looks from the book to my eyes. "Your way of thinking is one of the reasons why I like you. So, don't change."

Mariah's face lights up like a Christmas tree during the magical holiday and I chuckle before my smile falters.

"That doesn't mean I'm giving you permission to start trying to find my true love again. No way. It was enough of a hassle last year. I'd rather not have a repeat." I shudder at the mere memory. Mariah just keeps her smile and nods though I spot that mystical twinkle she has in her eyes. Before anymore can be said the bell rings for class and other students are trying to cram past me to get into the classroom.

"I'll see you after school." She called to me before darting off. As I shuffle into the classroom my stomach knots in unease.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now