Chapter 1

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I sit in front of my house, on the cement front steps leading to the front door. The sun is out, birds are chirping and flying around in the trees above. Some of them chasing one another and others just exploring, content with their little life. A pang of jealousy rings through me as I watch them fly around, their wings spread wide without any type of constraint. Nothing binding them to one set place.

Must be nice.

My eyes cast downward to my outstretched legs. The sound of laughter drifting over a small breeze draws my gaze to the neighboring yard where kids run around, playing to their heart's content. My jealousy turns to that of bitterness as I click my tongue in annoyance.

Must be really nice.

I sigh as I reach up and pull my long, brown hair to rest on my right shoulder giving my neck some time to breathe. Despite it being November in Oregon, it's unnaturally hot. Even sitting in the shade provided by my house doesn't do much to relieve the heat.

Leaning my weight back on my left arm, I fan myself with my right hand. From behind me, inside the house, I can hear my mother humming away as she does housework. More bitterness flickers to life within me.

If I weren't here she wouldn't be doing that.

My eyes move back to my legs stretched out in front of me, unfeeling to this god awful heat. A strong breeze blows and my hair lifts from my shoulder and whips around my face. I reach up trying to tame the wild mane when someone speaks up.

"Hey, I see you here every day. Do you just never do anything?"

Rather than startled I'm more shocked.

Is someone approaching me? Me?

The wind dies down and I manage to look up at this curious stranger. He's tall. It's the first thing I notice about him as my eyes travel up and up and up until they land on bright, baby blue ones. The stranger smile's down at me and it's clear he doesn't have a clue about who he's talking to.

Just go away. Save us both some time and trouble.

"I do what I want," I said looking away from him. Apparently, he doesn't get the hint as he takes a seat beside me. I scowl at this unwanted person.

"Ooh, a rebel with a cause. I like that."

I roll my eyes and rest my chin on my hand, looking out at my front yard.

That's what you say now, but your mind will change.

I narrow my eyes at the yard as I remember back to a time when I was younger. Lot's of people said they liked me and then, one by one, they left.

Or, maybe, I just couldn't keep up.

My hand curls into a fist and I grit my teeth together. The guy just pushes further.

"So, why do you sit here every day? Don't you want to do anything?" He asked and I wish he'd go away. I wish he'd leave me alone so I can get back to...

To what? Observing life go by because you're too broken to keep up?

My anger sparks to life and I look pointedly at this guy sitting beside me as I say,

"No, I like the quiet." He's either too stupid to understand a hint when it so obviously smacks him in the face or he just ignores it. I'm going with the latter as his eyes take on a mischievous twinkle and his grin grows.

"But, that must get boring after a while."

It sure does.

My eyes move back to the kids playing next door. Running around. Laughing. Enjoying their life. Bitterness comes back coating my mouth and insides like a foul medicine. I hate the feeling. I don't want to be that type of person.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now