Chapter 6

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A couple of weeks pass by after that. I'm not sure what it was, my begging or her own thoughts, but April listened and she turned her parents over to the police. I'd remained by her side the whole time, never once wanting to leave her. Thankfully, she never wanted me to go away either.

Now, I walk up to the girl with the golden sun hair and the large blue eyes. She jumps up from her seat on the stairs at my approach her smile wide as she takes the ice cream cone from my hand.

"So, how are things?" I asked, tentative. Over the course of everything happening, April had moved in with her aunt and uncle living in the same school district. I'd never met the people, but from what I've been told they seem really nice. Their kids also go to the same school and don't seem to be that bad either. It had been a nice load off my shoulders knowing that she's in good hands.

April hums in delight as she eats her ice cream oblivious to the turmoil that is my thoughts before answering,


I study her as we walk looking for any sign that she may be lying. Nothing is apparent.

"You sure?" I asked once more and she looks up meeting my eyes. Her smile widens and any fears that may have been floating around in my mind disappear in an instant.


I breathe a sigh of relief at her answer before reaching out and taking her hand in my own, entwining our fingers together. A light dusting of blush runs over her cheeks and she looks away, her eyes closing as she basks in the sun leaking through the trees.

"What's better than a beautiful day?" She asked. It's a rhetorical question, I know, but I still find myself compelled to answer.

"Spending time with you." A smile curls my lips as her head whips around and those eyes land on mine once more.

"What are you? A Casanova?" She asked, her cheeks turning a darker red. It's amusing because I've yet to see this side of April.

A side of her that only I know about.

I chuckle as I snake my arm around April's waist, pulling her closer to me. When there are only inches between us I bend down and take a bite from her ice cream grinning like a fool. Our eyes meet and I say,

"Only for you."

One more story left everyone! April's side is coming your way soon. I really hope you enjoyed Alex's perspective and, if you did, don't forget to hit that little start button. Also, drop a comment below with your thoughts. I love hearing from you!

Next week will mark the end of this novel once the last story wraps up. It's almost hard to believe! That's all for this week, though so until next time, Bookoholic's!

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