Chapter 3

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I make it to Kim's house in record time, my heart beating a mile a minute. Fear courses through my veins for the girl because she hadn't sent anything else since her S.O.S. text message. Sweat runs down my face at my sudden sprint and my breathing is labored as I round her house to the tree outside her bedroom window. It's the tree I've used countless times to get into her house.

"Come on, Kim. Please be alright." I whispered as I start climbing the tree, my muscles screaming in agony at being overused. I've never been the athletic type.

When I get up the tree I look through the window and my heart cries out in pain when I see Kim pacing back and forth in her room. It's clear she's panicking over something big. Her expression is warped into one of anguish and I waste no time opening her window sending a silent thanks to the heavens when I find it unlocked.

As soon as I'm in Kim's room I hurry over to her and don't even give it a second thought when I spin her around, pulling her tight against my chest. She breathes in deeply and I can feel her body relaxing against mine as she curls her hands into my shirt. I feel like I can breathe just as easily now that I have her in my arms and I know she's safe.

"It's okay now," I said though I'm not sure if it's more for her or to reassure myself. "Calm down. It'll be alright, Kim."

She burrows her head into my chest and my arms become steel around her small frame as I wonder just what could have happened to get her like this.

"What took you so long, Keith?" Her voice is muffled by my shirt, but I manage to make out the question.

"When you sent me the text I was still in the shower." Guilt fills me at not having noticed the message earlier. Even if a lot of time didn't pass between when she sent it and when I saw it, I still hate myself for not getting here sooner. "I only saw it after I got out, then I rushed here like a bat outta hell."

She looks around me to the window I'd left open in my rush to get to her. Then, those amazing brown eyes meet my own. My gut twists at the pain they seem to be drowning in. A droplet of water from my hair falls onto her nose and she smiles which relieves some of my stress. I return it with one of my own before getting serious.

"Tell me what happened."

She looks away from me and I know that this is going to be a serious conversation. I pull away from our hug and remove her hands from my shirt before entwining our fingers together and leading her towards the bed. We sit down across from each other. For a while only silence encloses around us, me waiting for Kim to speak and Kim sorting out her own thoughts as she plays with her hair.

"My parents are getting a divorce." She finally let out and I just sit there, still as a statue. Not because I'm shocked or surprised, but because I'd seen this coming for a while now. Kim hadn't seen it since she was too close to the situation unlike me who had an outsiders perspective.

While Kim only saw small bickering I saw arguments and outrage at the smallest of problems that would so easily be laughed at by two people in a healthy relationship. I hadn't said anything to her since I didn't want to bring needless worry in case things managed to work themselves out.

I guess I should have just said something.

Kim clicks her tongue in annoyance and continues to mess with her hair. I bring my hand up and stop her, pulling those eyes towards mine.

"I'm sorry." I know it doesn't have much meaning to it. A simple sorry won't fix her family life. A simple sorry won't make everything magically okay again.

But it's the best I can do.

I bite on the inside of my cheek in anger at how useless I really am to the girl I love in a situation like this.

That and I can be here by her side.

Tears fill Kim's eyes and I watch, my heart-shattering in my chest as one by one those tears travel down her cheeks.


I reach out and pull her towards me and onto my lap, my arms wrapping around her small form that now seems as fragile as glass.

I'm so sorry.

"I just don't understand." She cried, her body shaking. "Why? What happened? Is it because I'm just incompetent? Am I just stupid? It's all my fault, right?"

I freeze up at this, my anger sparking to life at her words.

"This could never be your fault, Kim. Never in a million years. This is between your parents. It doesn't have anything to do with you."

"Yeah, but you don't know that Keith. I'm such a failure as their kid. I just wish I could be better."
It feels impossible to breathe as I hear Kim, my strong and beautiful and funny and amazing Kim, speak these words. I turn her on my lap and tip her chin up, forcing her to meet my eyes.

"You are better, Kim." I said pushing everything I feel for this amazing girl into my words. "You're the best you possible and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Please believe me.

I beg her in my thoughts.

If only I could show you how amazing you are through my eyes, I would. I'd do that and so much more for you Kim if it means I could rid your face of that hurt look.

She tries to look away, but I cup her face with my hands and smile as I say,

"You aren't getting away that easily. Not until I'm done."

Not until you're aware of how much you matter to me.

"You're amazing, Kim. Actually, you're more than amazing. If you weren't, well I wouldn't be here right now, would I? We've been together through everything and we'll absolutely get through this together as well. No matter what, I'm here for you and, even if it's hard to talk to them now, I know your mom and dad are here for you too."

She bites down on her lip and I can see the struggle happening in her eyes to keep the tears back. My chest tightens at how strong Kim really is and I let my thumb travel over the smooth skin around her mouth, helping to relax the muscles there so she doesn't hurt herself.

"But-but I'm such a-"

"Great person," I said, cutting her off and giving her my best smile. "You're a great person whom I'll always believe in and be with for the rest of my life."

Believe me, Kim, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

"You really mean it, Keith? You'll be here forever?"

I'll follow you wherever you go Kim, whether that's the ends of the Earth or just across town.
I lean down, smiling at the thought as I place a kiss on her forehead.

I love you too much not to.

"With all my heart."

And Keith's side of the story comes to a close. I hope you all enjoyed this side of the story and if you did hit that little star button. Also, drop a comment below with your thoughts on this story. Next week two new characters will be getting introduced. They'll also be the last two stories in this novel! It's hard to believe that the first book is already starting to wrap up.

These next two characters were some of my absolute favorites to write so look forward to it! Until next time, Bookoholic's!

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