Chapter 2

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I wake up the next day to high pitched screams and mind-numbing crying. A groan escapes past my lips as I grab my pillow from under my head before pulling it down on top of my ears, trying to block out all the noise. It's a weekend and the absolute last thing I want to do is take care of everyone.

If you don't, who else will?

I groan once more, this time because I know the answer to the question and I don't like it. Not one bit. Despite this, I toss my blankets off of me, cool air from the air conditioner snaking its way over my skin and forcing goosebumps to rise.

Just go handle it. The sooner the better.

I told myself as I stand from bed still bleary-eyed and in a sleepy daze. Chills race up my spine the moment my feet touch the cold, wooden floor and I shiver as I leave my room.

"What's going on?" I asked over the screaming and the crying as I walk into the kitchen. My two younger siblings, Ryan and Alexis, go quiet as their eyes land on me. The blissful silence only lasts for about two seconds and, as they race over to where I stand, their fussing starts up once more. I sigh as I study both of their faces.

Red, puffy eyes look up at me and my stomach knots at their tear-stained faces. My eyes travel down to their clothing that's nothing but a mess, food splattered over their shirt while dark, wet spots speckle their pants.

I look into the connecting living room where one of my older siblings sits, watching tv and zoning everything out. It ticks me off and I cross my arms over my chest my short nails digging into my arm in annoyance.

"What are you, deaf Zach? You seriously can't do anything?" I bite out and Zach just lifts his hand at me, never once turning to look me in the eyes. My annoyance extinguishes and I sigh as I look down at the two three-year-olds still crying their eyes out. "Hey, it's alright." I cooed as I bend down and pick both of them up. "I'm here and I'll take care of everything." They quiet down, both of them leaning their head on either of my shoulders. A small smile replaces my frown as I walk out of the kitchen with them

"Where's mom and dad?" Alexis asked once I finish changing her and move onto Ryan.

"They're at work, but they'll be back later tonight." I said, not looking at her, but focusing on Ryan.

Jesus, how did they get so messy?

"I'm hungry." Ryan spoke up next and I meet his blue eyes, a replica of my own, and smile as I say,

"I think I can fix that." Both kids smile at me and become so giddy one would think I just gave them a house of candy. After I finish putting the both of them into new and clean clothes I lead them back out to the kitchen. One glance at the living room tells me that Zach's left, though the tv is still on and dirty plates litter the coffee table.

Of course.

I take care of Ryan and Alexis first and make sure they're content with their breakfast before cleaning up the living room and shutting off the tv. Once I've gotten it to the point of being presentable I move onto the next thing on my to-do list.

"Morgan's got riding lessons today, so I need to pack a lunch for her." I get to work. A few hours later, just as I'm finish putting away the dishes, my sister comes down from her room.

"So glad you can finally join us," I said, my voice bitter at her for having been able to sleep in. Morgan just looks at me, her eyes still glazed over from sleep and my bitterness quickly vanishes. It's difficult to stay mad at my twin for long.

"Hey, you could have slept in too." We both know that's not true. I'm almost positive that she was woken up by the screaming and crying earlier this morning as well. She just didn't come down to help out knowing I'd handle it. I dry my hands on a dish towel as I say,

"Your lunch is in the fridge. Mom and dad will be back from work later tonight. I've got plans today. Make sure Ryan and Alexis get to the babysitter, alright?" Morgan nods as she makes her breakfast. I've no doubt everything I just said went in one ear and out the other. My eyes flicker to the time and I toss down the towel. "Seriously, Morgan, I've got things to do today."

Eyes to make look my way.

"I need you to be on this."

She waves her hand dismissively at me as she says,

"Yeah, yeah. I got it, Chris. Go do what you gotta do." Her voice is less than convincing, but my eyes go back to the clock and I sigh as I hurry out of the kitchen and back up to my room to get dressed.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now