Chapter 1

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"Hey, are you even paying attention? Greg?"

I blink when Seth snaps his fingers in front of my face, trying to grab my attention which had diverted from him little by little during our conversation. My eyes move away from the girl I was checking out and land on my friend. His eyebrow is raised in question before his brown eyes move in the direction I'd been looking. The corner of Seth's mouth turns up as his gaze lands on two girls.

"Which one?" He asked and I sigh because I know that I won't be able to divert his attention to anything else now.

"The one with black hair and blue eyes."

Seth looks back to the two girls and I cringe on the inside, worried that they'll catch him looking their way and everything will be exposed. His smile widens when he finds the right one, a low whistle escaping past his lips.

"What's her name?"

"Can we not? I really don't want to have this discussion right now." I said and Seth looks back at me dissatisfaction curling his features at my response. He lets it go, though, as he turns back to his locker, pulling out the rest of his things before closing it.

"Alright, but you're telling me tonight."

I roll my eyes at this.

"You sound like a chick. Why must you be involved in my love life?"

Seth chuckles as we walk towards our next class.

"Because it's amusing and I have nothing better to do. Plus, you're kind of a hopeless romantic so I'm curious as to why you've yet to go up to this girl."

Without meaning to I cast a look over my shoulder back to the two girls and sigh when I notice that they're walking in the other direction. When I look forward I can tell that Seth is trying his hardest not to break down in a fit of laughter.

"Dude, you look so lovelorn."

"What, you're Shakespear now? Lovelorn, geez."

Seth just seems more amused at my attempt to direct the conversation back onto him. It doesn't work and I explain,

"I haven't gone up to her yet because of her friend. Mariah's like guy repellent unless she wants the guy around."

"Guy repellent?" Seth's brows shoot up at this and I know I've caught his attention. I nod.

"I've only ever seen a select few guys around the two. Everyone else who seems to approach is scared off by Mariah. It's almost like you can't approach or join their little circle on your own accord. You've got to be invited." I sigh once more and look down at the books in my arms. Seth nudges me and I look towards him, scrunching my nose when I see the look on his face.

Oh no.

I know that look.

Nothing good ever comes from it.

"Don't even Seth-"

"Looks like we'll have to get you that invite." He said, cutting me off. I groan and shake my head, not liking the sound of this at all. "Hey now, don't lose faith in me yet. I've always got the best plans around."

"That's what you think. Your plans are complete shit, dude. Do you not remember the last one?"

The memory plays out in Seth's eyes and he cringes, pain evident on his face. I can't help but cringe right alongside him when I hear him mutter,

"Those poor, poor seals."

"Exactly. That's why you will have no parts in any plans whatsoever. At least, none that involve me." I pause for a moment before continuing, "Or the aquarium."

Seth's smile falls away and I can tell he's about to start pouting.

"No," I said again, more for myself. I'm a sucker for puppy dog eyes and he knows it.

"Come on! Let me have this! I love making plans to help my friend." Before either of us can say anything more the bell rings for classes to start. I smile, glad to be free from the predicament I'd been about to find myself in.

"Thank God. Saved by the bell. Literally." I scurry into the classroom, a pouting Seth close on my tail.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now