Chapter 5

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The next day, before I can even get into the classroom for Mr. Dunrier's class, Alex corners me in one of the side halls. He raises an eyebrow when I don't open my mouth with any type of explanation.

"So?" He prompts. "Where were you this morning?"

I cross my arms over my chest and look away, unable to meet his eyes. The last thing I want is to see the disappointment that no doubt resides in them.

"Obviously, not at my tutoring session."

"Obviously." He spits out, annoyance in his voice. I cast a quick glance towards him and dig my nails into my arms regretting the decision. It stuns me how much Alex's disappointment sickens me to my core despite only knowing him for a short amount of time. I grind my teeth together, steeling myself before meeting his eyes head on.

"I told Mr. Dunrier I couldn't go today, alright? It's not my problem."

"It is your problem, April. If you don't start cleaning up your act, you won't be able to graduate." The bell rings and I make to get around Alex. He only stops me by grabbing onto my wrist. "We're not done."

I yank my arm from his grip and look up at him, the neck of my sweater exposing some of my skin in the process. His eyes travel down to it and I notice his brows furrow.

"What is that?" He asked and my heart sinks as I lift my hand to cover it.

"It's nothing that has to do with you."

This doesn't deter him in the least and he pries my hand from my neck exposing the large bruise hiding beneath my turtleneck sweater. Disgust churns in my body and I feel as if I'll puke under his scrutinizing gaze.

"What the hell?" He questioned as he pulls the sweater down to reveal my whole neck. Even then, the full bruise isn't exposed, extending further still. I don't look at Alex as I yank my arm from him once more, wrapping it around myself in a protective gesture. "What the hell?! Who did this to you?" His voice has risen now, but I don't answer him. The wheels spin in his eyes and it doesn't take him long to figure things out. "Where were you this morning. This happened today, right? It wasn't there yesterday."

For the longest time, I don't answer, unable to find my voice. It's Alex's pleading eyes and the way he gently grips my shoulders that has me caving.

"I went to visit my older brothers grave this morning. Today is the anniversary of his death. When I left the house, I left my bag there. My parents saw my test grades." I shrug as if it's the most normal thing in the world. I chew on my bottom lip, bitter.

For me, it is normal. Isn't that right, Braydon?

Of course, I don't receive any type of response and it only worsens my mood.

"They did this to you?"

I shrug once more because I don't want to answer him. In fact, I bite down so hard on my lip that it draws blood making it obvious how much I don't want to talk right now. I know talking about it won't solve anything. I talked with Braydon about everything and he's still dead.

Alex notices my reluctance and does the last thing I expect him to. He pulls me against his chest, encircling his arms around me. I still, not sure how to respond to this. The only people I've ever been this close to are Trevor and Victoria.

And Braydon.

"God, I had no idea. No one has any idea. How were you able to keep this from everyone?" Alex's voice trembles as he speaks and the sound of his heartbeat fills my ears. His worry fills my ears.

"A whole lot of foundation." I joke, trying to lighten the mood. It falls short and we stand in silence until he finally decides to break it.

"You need to tell someone, April. You can't keep hiding this."

I shake my head like a madwoman and grip onto the sides of his shirt. That's the one thing I can't do.

"April, please tell someone!" Alex pleads with me as he pulls away. He bends so we're at eye level with one another. The sight of tears in his own eyes hits me like a punch to the gut and I choke back my own sob.

He's crying for me.

"They're my parents."

"Are they, April? I like to call them monsters."

Braydon's bitter voice fills my mind and I bite down on the inside of my cheek.

"They lost that privilege the moment they laid their hands on you in aggression."

I look down, letting my blonde locks shield me from view.

"It wasn't always this bad. When Braydon was alive he took the brunt of it, but was an accident." I said my voice wavering as my own tears come to life in my eyes. "It was an accident and they didn't mean it and he just wasn't there anymore."

Alex pulls in a sharp breath. His hands come up, cupping my face and forcing me to meet his eyes. My tears travel down my face, dampening his hands and I only cry more as I watch his own tears fall.

"They killed your brother?"

"It was an accident."

"It's child abuse. How did they get away with it?"

I shake my head and bite down hard on my lip so I don't say anything more. Alex shakes me as he says,

"Don't you understand, April? That could be you next. No, that will be you." His voice cracks as he cries and the next thing I know I'm being pulled against his chest once more. His arms lock around me so tightly it's almost hard to breathe. "Please, please, please tell someone April. I don't want you to die. They've already hurt you to the point you need to wear this godawful sweater to school in the middle of summer when it's almost ninety degrees outside."

I don't say anything as the events that took place a year ago play out in my head. I'd watched my brother die and there had been nothing I could do. My mother had held me back while my father did the dirty work and all I had done was scream and beg with the monsters that were my parents.

That were our parents.

When my mother had finally released me I ran to Braydon's side and we both knew what was coming. We had both known that it was too late.

"Find your way out and run like hell."

They were his last words and I concede to Alex.

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