Chapter 5

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The game goes on for about two hours before we decide to call it quits. One reason is that we're dying from sitting in the sun for so long. Another being that there doesn't seem to be any type of end in sight. Just when I think I'm about to win I'll land on one of Chris's big cash properties and he'll be back in the game. The same thing will happen to him when I'm on the brink of losing. There's just no end.

"Alright, alright let's just figure out a different way to determine my inevitable win," Chris said and I toss down my race car, thankful to be released from the game.

"Yeah right. You were totally losing." I help Chris gather the pieces and he snorts.

"Whatever floats your boat little miss denial."

"Fine, I challenge you to a staring competition." My voice is haughty as a queens and I cross my arms over my chest, a sly smile curling my lips as I look to Chris. He looks at me as if I just grew a second head.

"That's not fair! You're, like, the master of never blinking!"

I lift a hand to my ear, my sly smile shifting into a victory grin.

"What's that I hear? Are you admitting defeat? Well, it's not like you'd have won anyway."

That breaks him and he quickly finishes putting the pieces away. Before I know it, I'm back in his arms and being carried into the cool shade, sighing in relief as soon as I'm out of the sun's reach.

"You're on, Sandy." He said as he sets me down on the cement steps. He plops down beside me and I'm doing everything in my power not to lose myself in a fit of laughter. I never expected Chris to be the pouty type.

I reach around and pull my hair to one side, resting it on my right shoulder as I get ready for this competition. My eyes run over my legs and I rest a hand on my right one.

Little miss denial, huh?

I recall what Chris called me earlier and chuckle under my breath.

I guess that's who I've been for a while now.

My eyes go back to Chris and I choke back a laugh. He's giving himself a mini pep talk and it's the most adorable thing ever. A feeling of calm and content settles within me as all of the rage and hate I've become so accustomed to vanishes.


I start as I look around us at the beautiful day. The birds I'd been watching a couple days ago fly around the trees again. The kids next door run around, laughing and playing. Not an ounce of bitterness comes to life in my body.

Maybe I don't have to be that person anymore.

"Alright, I hope you're ready to lose." Chris pulls my attention back to him and I respond,

"Your sportsmanship is nonexistent. I really hope you don't play on any teams at school."

"As a matter of fact, I play basketball."

I roll my eyes and say with enough sarcasm to kill,

"Oh wow, I couldn't have guessed that one."

Chris smiles and I can tell he's doing his best to appear angry. It's not working and it's all I can do not to laugh at the struggle going on in his eyes. He lifts a finger and wiggles it at me as he says,

"Listen here, snarky marky, this is not a competition of sarcasm."

"Did you just call me 'snarky marky'?"

"This is a game of wits and courage." He continued as if I hadn't said anything, though his smile must be contagious because it's drawing one from me with every second that passes.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now