Chapter 6

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I lose the game though I don't feel any bitterness at having lost. In fact, I feel more alive and happy than I did a week ago as I carry Sandy on my back to the ice cream place right down the street. It's her reward for winning.

She talks to me as if we're old friends telling me about her family and homeschool. I listen intently wanting to know everything about her and never wanting her voice to go quiet. There's a note to it that seems to sing to my soul and carry away all of my worries.

I can envision her smile and I can picture her eyes and the light that must shine in them at the joy of talking without a worry in mind. She's so absorbed in talking with me that I don't even think she realizes that we've returned to her house until I set her down. A dissatisfied look flickers across her features and I laugh as I take a seat beside her.

"Hey," I start, pulling her eyes to mine. "If you ever want another piggyback, I'm your guy." That blush comes back, staining her cheeks and it takes me a minute to process what I just said.

I'm her guy.

No argument presents itself at the revelation and my smile grows.

"Well, thanks but it wasn't all that great, really." She said in denial and I chuckle as I lean into her and think,

I guess Mikey was right.

"Hey, look here."

Sandy turns towards me startled when she finds my face so close to hers.

"Readysetgo staring contest!" I shouted and she drops her ice cream as she blinks. For the longest moment, Sandy is just shocked into silence and I double over in laughter, tears trickling down my face.

"Hey! I dropped my ice cream! That's completely not fair, Chris! It's foul play!" She whined like a child causing me to laugh harder. When I look at her, though, she's smiling as well and it's the best thing I've ever seen.

I don't want to help her.

I take a scoop of ice cream from my cone and smear it on her nose, laughing.

I want to be with her.

"All's fair in love in war."

Chris's perspective is complete! What did you all think? Was it different from how you thought it would be? I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to hit that little star button if you did and drop a comment below on your overall thoughts, favorite parts, or just anything in general! Until the next one, Bookoholic's!

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