Chapter 1

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"This is such bull," I muttered as I look down at the test paper. A huge score of zero sits in the top left corner. "Summer school is such bull." Annoyance comes to life within me and I crumple the paper in my fist.

"Now, a lot of you did amazing on this test and it shows how hard you've been working. There are those of you, yet, who need to apply yourselves a small bit more." As Mr. Dunrier speaks the last part his green eyes meet my blue ones. I grit my teeth together and look towards the door. The bell chooses that moment to ring and I just about make my chair fall from how quick I stand up. "April, my desk please."

"Dammit." I let my bag fall back to the floor before making my way up to the desk at the front of the room, dreading what's about to come. Mr. Dunrier waits for everyone to finish clearing out of the room before he turns towards me. He leans back in his chair, locking his fingers together and resting them in his lap as if this type of thing is normal.

When it concerns me, I guess it is routine by this point.

For the longest time, he doesn't say anything which only tightens the knot forming in my stomach. This is the fourth time since the start of summer school last month that he's called me up to his desk after class. Needless to say, I'm starting to get the reputation of being a complete moron.

If the shoe fits, right?

"What's going on April?" Mr. Dunrier finally asked, drawing me from my thoughts. I breathe out a sigh and blow a strand of blonde hair from my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing's going on."

Mr. Dunrier shakes his head and leans forward in his chair, causing me to take a step back. I don't like people in my personal space and, right now, he's toeing the edge of that line.

"You're not applying yourself as much as you should. April, the only reason you're here is that, without this summer school, you won't be able to graduate this coming year." He furrows his brows, trying to understand me. It's a fruitless effort, though, since I doubt anyone can understand me anymore.

The only person who could is gone.

The thought alone as my mood plummeting and wanting nothing more than to be free of this classroom. It's too confining. There's not enough open space. Even with the windows lining the far wall it feels dark.

It reminds me of home.

"Do you want that? To not graduate?" He asked and I blink, pulling myself from my mind. I focus back on Mr. Dunrier and cross my arms over my chest as I look away from him. I've always hated talks with teachers and this one is no exception.

When Mr. Dunrier knows it's clear that I won't be responding he turns away from me. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as he shuffles around some papers on his desk making it look like a train wreck. My fingers twitch as my OCD starts to kick into gear.

"If that's how you want to be, that's fine. But, while you're here, you are my student. Which means it's my job to try and make sure you actually do well on your assignments and tests. I'm assigning a tutor to you. Now, don't worry, it'll be someone from this class. Their name-"

"I don't want a tutor." I cut him off, my voice becoming heated at the simple suggestion. The last thing I need is even more of these stupid lessons. Mr. Dunrier doesn't even look at me as he responds,

"Well, as of right now, April your only choices are expulsion or a tutor." He turns to me a challenge in his eyes daring me to speak against him. "You decide."

My arms fall limply to my sides and he looks back to his desk before continuing.

"Harsh, I know, but it's the only way I can get your cooperation." He goes silent after that and I stand there, hands gripped into tight fists.

This is all bullshit.

My teeth grind together as my wants wage a war against my needs. It's a battle that doesn't last long.

"Who is it?" I grumble. He doesn't answer me so I ask again, louder and I notice the corner of Mr. Dunrier's mouth tip up in a smirk. This does nothing for my mood.


"His name is Alex. I'm sure you won't have any trouble with him. He's a very bright student and has always been my go-to tutor for those who need one."

"Then, why the hell is he in summer school?"

"Extra credits that he deems he needs. He's very studious." Mr. Dunrier finally finds the paper he's been looking for and turns to face me once more. He extends the paper out making it obvious he wants me to take it. I do and let my eyes scour the writing. "That's your tutoring schedule. Alex and I sat down to craft it."

My gaze scans over the dates and times, landing on the one two days from now. A sour taste fills my mouth and my stomach turns over on itself.

"I can't go this day." I said, looking up at Mr. Dunrier. He's back to paying his desk more attention than me making it all too clear why he's even going to all this trouble.

Can't have one student making him look bad.

"I'm sorry, but that schedule is concrete. I'm sure your parents and friends will understand any cancelations. That's all for today, April." He said, effectively dismissing me and silencing any arguments I may have. My left-hand curls into a tight fist and it takes all the self-control in my body to not call him an asshole to his face. I've never liked Mr. Dunrier to begin with so when I found out he'd be my summer school teacher, I knew I would be in deep shit.

I look back down at the schedule and the day I know I won't be able to make it. Then, my eyes go to tomorrows date. I'm supposed to meet this dude in the library tomorrow after class.

This freaking sucks.

I sigh as I grab my things and march out of the room.

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now