Chapter 4

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"I've returned as promised."

I drag my gaze from my book up to a smiling Chris. My heart stutters in my chest and goosebumps rise over my skin. A feeling I haven't felt for a long time comes to life within me as butterflies begin flapping their wings in my stomach.

His hand.

I bite down on my lip, trying to keep from smiling.

He came back.

Despite trying to conceal it, my smile breaks through to the surface as I zero in on the thing he's holding under his arm. I narrow my eyes, the glare from the sun reflecting off the shiny box.

"Is that...a board game?" I questioned and Chris's smile only grows as he nods.

"You bet it is, sweet cheeks."

My cheeks burn at the nickname and I glower at his audacity. Chris just seems to find it amusing and the smile alone makes it easy to forget my anger and annoyance.

"So, you wanna play?"

I look between him, the board game, and the book resting on my lap.

He's holding out his hand.

A lump forms in my throat.

But what if he pulls back?

I swallow and take a deep breath.

Then, I'll deal with the aftermath.

I close my book.

"What board game is it?" I asked and furrow my brows as I watch him place it in a sunny patch of grass on the front lawn.

"A game I'm sure you'll enjoy." He said as he walks back toward me. I just watch in curiosity as he bends down, getting closer and closer. At one point, he's close enough to my face that I can count every eyelash he has. His minty breath runs across my skin and I'm completely entranced by his baby blues.

"What are you-" My sentence is cut off as I yelp in surprise when he lifts me in the air. My arms reach up and wrap around Chris's neck. "Chris!" I squealed as I bury my face in his neck. My eyes squeeze shut and my breath catches in my throat.

This is not what I had in mind when I took your hand.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Chris chuckles and chokes as I squeeze him tighter fear coursing through my veins.

"Can't-can't breathe, Sandy. Loosen your hold." I don't listen to him for a long minute until I'm absolutely sure he won't drop me. Then, ever so slowly, I do as he said. Chris pulls in a much-needed breath before saying, "Don't worry, I won't drop you. I figured that sitting in the sun would be a nice change of pace."

I find myself nodding and pulling my face away from his neck. For a moment, my gaze is blurry and I blink as I look down at the ground. As everything in my vision clears a giddiness rises up in me. Something that's always been so close now seems a million miles away. I've never been this high up before.

I guess it's a given with how tall Chris is. My dad's nowhere near as tall as him.

I look from the ground back to Chris. My eyes meet his and he smiles down at me, warming my cheeks and calming my earlier nerves. My panic lessens and I feel my heart beating fast for a very different reason.

"So, how's the view up here?" And he ruins whatever nice moment we were having together with that cliché line. I look away from him and towards the game board that he set in the grass.

"It's not all that great. Nothing fancy." I lied and he chuckles. It's a nice sound that has chills running up my spine. When he starts walking towards the grass my hold on him tightens once more.

The moment we step into the sun I have to squint since my eyes aren't used to the brightness. By the time we get to the board game I can open them a little more, but not much. I can just barely make out the name 'Monopoly' on the cardboard box.

"Monopoly? Really? You couldn't think of a better game?" I asked as I look towards Chris. I raise a hand over the top of my eyes to see better.

"What? Monopoly is a good game." There's a defensive note to Chris's voice before he pauses. A smile curls his lips up and he crosses his arms over his chest. "I get it. You're just scared of being crushed by me."

I snort.

"Yeah, no, that ain't ever going to happen. I'm a master at this game."

Chris starts pulling out all the pieces and fake money from the box a smirk gracing his face.

"I guess we'll see about that."

I pick up my absolute favorite Monopoly piece, the race car, and look towards Chris as I smile.

"I guess we will."

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now