Chapter 2

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When we get outside and start walking down the street of our development, the sun has just started to set on the horizon. Other teens in similar situations as myself are being tugged around by their younger, more obnoxious halves. The ones forced to dress up in matching costumes are the ones I find hilarious.

"This house first! This house first, Charlotte!" Katie chanted as she tugs me in the direction of a small, yellow, single-story house. Decorations line their front yard and hang on the picket white fence. Spooky and fake cobwebs hang in their colorful, leaved trees. Somewhere within their yard, an eerie music emits.

"Alright, alright." I chuckled as I let myself be led along. Katie soon decides I'm just slowing her down before dropping my hand and rushing towards the front door. "Hey, no running! Katie, I don't want you to fall!" My protests are pointless as my younger sister darts up the stone path in inch heels she's not yet accustomed to. I cringe on the inside at the mere thought of her falling face first on the stone walkway.

That'd certainly ruin our night.

I breathe out a sigh of relief when she makes it to the door. A smile quirks my mouth up as I stand back by the fence and watch.

A kind looking, elderly woman, answers the door, her stringy hair sitting in a grey bun atop her head. A few strands of hair fall into her wrinkled face and she smiles down at my sister. Her brown eyes seem to hold all the kindness in the world as the two go into the routine conversation of Halloween.

"Trick or Treat!"

"My aren't you a scary little witch."

"You bet I am. Trick or Treat!"

I chuckle as I listen to my sister. Memories of how I used to go trick-or-treating filter through my thoughts. Both of my parents would always go out with me. I'd lead them around to just about every house in the development until my time was up and we'd have to head back home. We'd sit on the living room floor and count every one of my candies.

My stomach growls, pulling me from my thoughts as my smile falls away. I move my hand to rest over the top of my stomach. The haunting sounds of laughter echo through my mind. Chills race up my spine and I hunch forward as I look over my shoulder, scared to find people watching me.

Just stop.

A hand slipping around my own pulls me from my nightmarish thoughts. When my brown eyes meet Katie's blue ones my heart rate slows and I breathe easier.

"What did you pick?" I asked pushing my earlier thoughts deep, deep down. Katie's smile lights up her features as she says,


"Good choice." We walk side by side down the street and she hums in delight from my approval.

"Of course. I'm a witch and all witches have good senses." Katie's tone is haughty as she speaks and I smile as a group of kids race past us down the sidewalk, not a care in the world.

Not a care, huh?

I snort, bitter at the thought which pulls Katie's curious blue eyes up to me. I just smile and shake my head which is enough to divert her attention to the next thing at hand.

Getting all the candy possible before her time's up.

By the time the clock is striking seven, Katie has a pretty large helping of candy in her small jack-o-lantern basket. I can already picture our parents having to pry the thing from her sleeping clutches to avoid an all-out screaming tantrum.

"Hey, isn't that Annie?" My ears twitch at the name and sweat forms on my brow. I stop walking causing Katie to look up at me with large and confused blue eyes.


A lump forms in my throat at the name.

"Hey, it's Annie."

I bite down on my lip.

"Why aren't you in the bathroom? It's lunchtime right now."

My hands curl into tight fists as I look in the direction the name was spoken from. I clash eyes with two of my classmates.

The brunette looks away, blushing in embarrassment and shame at having been caught. Her friend, the blonde, stands tall with hands on hips. A smile filled with malicious intent curls her mouth. Her eyes meet mine, unflinching.

"It is, but what's she doing out here?" The blonde stage-whispered to her friend. She catches on fast enough and the embarrassment she'd felt moments ago vanishes in a heartbeat.

"Got me there." The brunette stands tall now, a replica of the blonde. "It's not like she'll keep down any of the candy she eats."

I take a step back as if they've just hit me. Both of them wear self-satisfied grins and my head bows, unable to meet either of their eyes any longer.

"It's lunchtime, Annie, shouldn't you be in the bathroom?"

My arms come up and wrap around my stomach.

"Doesn't she look hungry?"

"Don't worry about it. Any food you give her will just end up in the sewers."

Laughter echoes in my ears and my arms tighten around my middle. My entire face burns with embarrassment, the flames of shame running down my neck.

I am hungry!

I want to scream at the top of my lungs. It becomes difficult to breathe as the snickers from the two girls drift to my ears.

Just look at me!

My eyes squeeze shut and I bite down hard on my bottom lip, the metallic taste of blood coming to life on my tongue.

"Bloody shame it'll all go to waste."

Just go away. Leave me alone. That's not my name. Do you even know my name?

"So long, Annie."

My hands fall away from my stomach, hanging limply at my sides as I listen to them walk away. Laughter trails behind them causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.

A tug on my shirt sleeve has me looking down at my sister. Tears burn behind my eyes as I meet hers and I do everything in my power to not let them fall.


I thought as Katie asks,

"Why were they calling you Annie?"

They don't know.

"That's not your name, Charlotte."


I smile even though everything within me is screaming to do the exact opposite.

"I'm not too sure," I replied to my sister.

Who is Charlotte?

The question drifts through my mind as I say,

"Maybe, they were talking about someone else."

Our Year Together - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now