Chapter 2

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We arrive at the party fashionably late times two. It's in full swing by the time we get there and I can already pick out those who are drowning in alcohol. Their movements are erratic, a glazed over look in their eyes. Not to mention alcohol stains their breath and person.

I pull on the edges of my dark blue shorts, wishing they were a tad longer. It's chilly out tonight, but I seem to be the only one noticing the cold. Goosebumps rise up on my exposed arms and legs and I look over to Kaley in awe at how she seems to be immune in her one and only little black dress.

"Come on, they've probably already started!" She said as she latches onto my wrist, dragging me along a path visible to only her eyes. I follow along like the good little puppet I am.

We pass cars and trucks parked in the grass. Small groups are gathered sitting on the bed of the trucks and chatting with one another. Others are socializing with their friends. It's no surprise that I find the drunks hanging out by the keg. Then, there are the couples, dancing away by the huge bonfire some people managed to get going.

Kaley pulls me past the bonfire to a small group sitting in a circle a few feet away. Some people are sitting on a log, mostly the girls, and I frown when I notice there's only one more spot available on it.

"There, sit there," Kaley said as she shoos me to sit beside someone I absolutely have no want to sit beside. Before I can say anything she plops down on the log and begins socializing with the others, abandoning me.

Why did I come here? Why'd I have to agree to this?

I groan inwardly in annoyance with my best friend as I take my seat beside our schools infamous Noah. He's been known to play around with a lot of girls and he's even tried to get to me a few times.

Thank the lord I'm not as dimwitted as my bestie.

I sneak a peek at Noah only to clash with his light brown eyes. A playboys grin plants itself onto his face and damn if it doesn't look good on him. It's no wonder so many girls swoon for the guy. Even a few guys at our school do as well.

"Hey, Claudette." He said pushing his grey beanie up an inch. I narrow my eyes at the use of my full name. Despite hating the sound of it, I note that coming from his mouth there's a mesmerizing quality to it.

"Hey, Noah. What're doing here? Did the girls suddenly grow brains and stop falling for your mischievous ways?"

He chuckles and I wrap my arms around my knees, pulling them to my chest. I hate the way he seems to be able to get under my skin. Goosebumps rise over my flesh as his eyes travel up and down my form making me more self-conscious than I had been moments ago. Despite this, the only thing I find myself able to think is that I want to hear that chuckle again.

Maybe I am as dimwitted as the others if I'm this affected by him.

"Nah, they're still falling. Some of them pretty hard, too." 

Before anymore can be said a guy from our group speaks up, silencing our conversation. I recognize him as Trevor, one of the head honchos of our school. We run in the same social circle, though the people we choose to hang with are different. I've never cared too much for Trevor since he's not someone I'd choose to hang out with if given the option. He's more geared towards pranks and screwing around while I'm more focused and realistic in my thinking.

Of course, he shouldn't be underestimated just because he screws around. He's in the running for Valedictorian for a reason, after all.

The thought makes me bitter and I jump when I feel something being placed on my shoulders. Looking over and I find Noah giving me his jacket.

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