Chapter 3

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The next day at school everyone is talking about my dare and how miss popular Claudette actually locked lips with another girl. Kaley and our small group of friends find it hilarious. I find it annoying.

"Hey, at least it's good talk. It could be Annie talk." Kaley said and I nod. My gossip is a hundred times better than what it could be. Plus, I know it'll die down eventually. Honestly, what I'm worried about isn't what people are saying. It's that one person, in particular, keeps staring.

I've only managed to clash eyes with Noah twice today and I'm hoping to keep it that way. Since I'd refused to kiss him last night, I bruised his ego big time. The boy has been watching me nonstop. I'm positive if I were any other girl I'd be head over heels happy, but since I'm not I just feel like I'm going to puke. I've managed to hinder any attempts he's made to talk to me by using my friends as shields. It's worked, up until now.

"Well, I never expected you to corner me on my way to the bathroom," I said, annoyance leaking into my voice. Noah stares down at me, arms crossed. He raises an eyebrow as he says,

"Well, that was your second mistake."

I raise an eyebrow and mimic his stance as I meet the boy's eyes unflinching.


I thought and give a quick shake of my head. It couldn't be more wrong if it tried.

More like a man.

It takes everything I have in me not to let my eyes wander over his body like a starved dog being shown a nice, juicy, stake. I shove my thoughts very far back in my mind as I ask,

"Oh? What was my first?"

He smiles at my standoff against him likes it's cute and damn if that smile doesn't make my insides turn to goo as my cheeks heat up.

"Not kissing me."

I roll my eyes at this before they zero in on a smudge on his chin. My brows furrow and, before I can think twice on the matter, I find myself reaching up and running my finger over it. Noah stands still as a statue as I pull my hand away and look over the dirt on my finger.

"Oil?" I look back at Noah meeting his eyes as a small smile curves my lips. "Let me guess, playing in that garage of yours with a new car?"

His eyes widen in surprise and he sputters for a moment much to my amusement. It's nice pulling the rug from under him for a change.


"It's a well-known fact that you like cars, Noah. Plus, you fixed mine once a while back. I doubt you remember that, though." I chuckle as I tuck some hair behind my ear, remembering that hot day. He'd been that last person I'd have thought would come to my rescue. When I look back up a small gasp escapes past my lips at the war I see waging behind his light brown eyes and I find myself asking, "What do you want, Noah?"

He takes a step closer to me and I take one back. A Cheshire grin upturns one side of his mouth and I've never felt more like a mouse in my life.

"I want what was taken from me last night. My kiss."

I put on my best tough front and smile back at him which catches the Casanova off guard.

"Dude, I wouldn't kiss you if we were the last two people on Earth. Now, get lost because I do need to go to the bathroom." I said, effectively ending the conversation there. At least, I thought I'd ended it. As I pass by, Noah latches onto my wrist. Not with enough force to hurt only to stop. I look back over my shoulder and up into his eyes.

"Sorry, can't let you do that. We've already got other plans, babe."

I raise a curious eyebrow at, only semi hating the pet name.

"Care to enlighten me?"

Noah bends down getting way too close for comfort. Warm breath runs over my lips and I shudder not sure if I love the feel of him being this close or despise it. My reaction is clear as day to Noah by the way his lips morph from Cheshire to smart ass.

"We're going on a date."

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