Chapter 3

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My father was reluctant to let me sit outside after my little episode last night. There had been no way to talk myself out of the predicament I'd found myself in so I hadn't. I'd kept my mouth shut despite my parent's protests. I mean, what could I tell them? That I hate myself more and more with every day that passes? That I can barely stomach to look at my reflection? That it kills me a little inside every time I have to see myself trapped and confined to this dreaded thing that's done nothing but destroy my life?

Yeah, no chance.

If I hadn't begged to be let outside today I'd be sitting in the suffocating house all day with my mother. I can barely handle her excessive fussing as it is during the morning and evening.

I can only imagine how bad it'd be during the day on a weekend.

"Hey." A voice pulls me from my thoughts. I look up and up and up until my eyes meet mystery guys. The surprise that flickers within me must be clear because he smiles at it. I honestly hadn't thought I'd see him again after yesterday. People don't usually stay around when they discover I can't walk.

The memories of childhood friends start to surface. Outstretched hands. Smiling faces. Laughing eyes. Backs that get smaller and smaller.

I swallow the lump that forms in my throat as I push the memories to the darkest corners of my mind. It does me no good to remember them.

"Hey," I replied and he seems to take that as an invitation to sit down. My eyes roll before I look away from mystery guy and to the scenery that I've burned into my mind a thousand times over by now.

The sun is out again today, bathing everything it can in its light and heat. I've been reduced to fanning myself off and on because there's no relief even in the shade. I sit in silence with mystery guy until it becomes unbearable.

"So, what's your name? You never introduced yourself yesterday." I asked glancing at him. My eyes clash with his and my heart stutters at the sudden contact. His lips tip up with a smile that takes over his entire face, making him more handsome than I originally thought.

No. You can't.

I bite down on the inside of my cheek.

"Oh, are you actually showing an interest in me? I'm flattered. The name's Christopher, though I prefer Chris."

I grunt at that and rest my chin on my hand as I look away, a blush dusting my cheeks. I blame it on the heat and not Chris's radiant smile.


The name runs through my thoughts alongside a picture of his face. My cheeks burn more at the smile I picture. A smile directed at me.

Stop. He'll leave soon anyway and when he does, it's not like you can chase after him.

"Chris, huh," I said as I listen to my thoughts. "Well, my name's Sandra. Just call me Sandy." I catch him nod out of the corner of my eye and that smile he still wears must be contagious because I find the corners of my mouth tipping up just an inch.

Chris, huh?

"So you have a wheelchair, right?"

The question catches me off guard and the happy mood I'd found myself slipping into falls away. I start chewing on the inside of my cheek.

Of course.

My smile loses the inch it'd gained.

Why would he be any different from the rest?

"Yeah," I muttered, hating how easy it is for me to become like this now. Bitter and angry at the world.

"Then, why haven't I see it out here at all?"

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