Chapter 4

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Before I can do or say anything, I'm being dragged onto this supposed, grandiose date. I complain about it nonstop in the hopes that it'll annoy Noah enough to let me go back to school. It doesn't, so I'm forced to participate, which, in all honesty, gets easier and easier to do as time passes through the day.

First, we go to an ice cream parlor that's my absolute favorite. I get a triple scoop of the mint chocolate chip, much to Noah's utter surprise and enjoyment. He gets a double scoop of chocolate peanut butter, but I find him attacking my ice cream more often than not.

"Come on, share a little," Noah said, laughter in his voice as he bends down for another bite of my ice cream. I roll my eyes, though I can't stop the corners of my mouth from tipping up into a smile. I'm not annoyed by it in the least. I actually find it pretty amusing especially when he goes for another swipe. The moment he's inches away from the cold treat I lift it closer to his face forcing him to shove his nose into it. He startles and pulls back, his nose covered in the green ice cream. I laugh so hard that at one point, I'm terrified I'll drop my cone.

Next, on his list, Noah takes me to a small art museum that I never even knew existed. The building is beautiful with stained glass in some of the windows and a nice, bright lighting throughout the entire thing. Hardwood floor runs through the building and everything looks pristine an high class. Most of the pieces belong to students at our school, but they're all amazing. More often than not, I find myself entrapped within the pictures.

Noah and I don't converse too much while we walk through the building. I'm content with the silence since it's neither uncomfortable nor awkward. He's nice company and I find myself forgetting his reputation for being our school's Playboy.

My eyes will travel to him every once in a while with me realizing. During these times I find relief in the fact he's absorbed in studying the artwork. A serene look is set on his features, much different than how he appears in school with his devil may care and come-hither attitude. I like it and I find myself becoming entranced by him more often than not.

As the day starts coming to a close, Noah leads me to the park, showing me all of his little secret spots that I never knew existed. Most of them are just okay, but the last one he shows me leads to a wide-open field that I know must look gorgeous during the spring and summer. We sit under a tree, taking in the scenery and letting the days events sink in.

"Well, that was fun," I said as I lean against the tree.

"Yeah, it really was."

I peek at Noah know from the corner of my eye only to find him staring out at the field. The corners of my lips tip upwards and I nudge him. His gaze settles over me and I enjoy the feeling of having his full attention.

"Thanks for today, but I'm still not going to kiss you."

Noah acts heartbroken, but his wolffish grin leads me to believe otherwise.

"That's terrible, but you know, I'm okay with that."

I raise an eyebrow in question and watch as he pulls his grey beanie from his buzz cut head. He places it on mine as he says,

"I've got a new dare for you."

"Oh?" I asked, my voice wary. Noah's smile only widens as he holds onto his hat and pulls me forward with it. There's a sliver of space between us now and his grin is contagious because I find myself returning it. A part of me already knows what he's about to say.

"I dare you..."

Claudette's story comes to a close!! What did you think, Bookoholic's? I really enjoyed writing hers and Noah's perspectives in their story. It's a nice change of pace from the serious tones and storylines that the previous ones have had. Also, writing Noah is just really fun in and of itself so look forward to his perspective coming up soon. Until next time, Bookoholic's!

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