|6| First Class Starting with a Bang (Literally)

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It was the second day of the school, and you were currently on your way to the classroom of Class 1-A. With your textbook within in your hands, your usual stern frown on your face and strides with ease and confidence, you made your way through the hallways.

It was their fourth subject, just before lunchtime. From 11:40 AM to 12:30 PM, you have the time to teach the Class 1-A on how to do first-aid, your specialty. You were excelling at medical after all, and you can assure the students that you can give them proper training when it comes to first aid...

Oh, how exciting it will be.

When you arrived, you slid the door open and came in, earning several gasps and murmurs in disbelief. Then you said, "Nice to meet you, my name is Shuzenji (Y/N). I'm your first-aid training teacher and today, we're going to discuss the basics of first aid."

One of them raised his hand, a man wearing a glasses with a stoic frown plastered on his face. You stuffed your hand on the pockets of your white coat and tipped your chin and allowed him to speak. He stood up, frowning as he squared his shoulders and straightened his posture.

"How come that you're teaching us despite your age? Doesn't that go against the rules?"

You hummed, smirking as you crossed your arms and leaned on the blackboard. "Unless you advanced and skipped several grades, yes it would go against the rules. But I was given a title to be a pro hero, so that's that. Let's move on to our lesson and start the class."

Surprisingly, the whole class didn't question you and listened quietly to your lesson and discussion. Maybe they already got the message when you were with Aizawa yesterday. And you were grateful for the message being complied and received.

At the last 30 minutes of your class, you decided to demonstrate all that you taught them about artificial ventilation and CPR. "Tomorrow, we'll have a test where you demonstrate the first-aid to me, especially about CPR. For now, I need a volunteer to demonstrate all the basic for the first aid in case you didn't understand my words earlier. Just keep in mind all the precautions, especially when doing CPR."

Some of the boys were hopefully looking at you, patiently waiting to be chosen and called. Especially that grape head, he was staring at you in a very uncomfortable and perverted way.

Rolling your eyes as you crossed your arms, then you turned to Midoriya.

"Midoriya." You called, causing him to squeak in utter astonishment. Everyone looked at him, some boys are glaring at him for an unknown reason.

He sheepishly and slowly lifted his head towards you as he tried to avoid all the pair of eyes that were turned to him, eyebrows furrowed in worry and nervousness. 


You smiled at him and gestured for him to come to the front while the whole class shrieked and gasped in disbelief. 


You raised an eyebrow, amusingly smirking at the whole class. "What's wrong? You question me?"

The yellow-headed fellow, Kaminari Denki according to your attendance, slammed his hands on his table in strong protest. "S-Shouldn't you do CPR on a girl?! It's more comfortable to see!"

You chuckled, shaking your head. It was really funny to tease this class, especially if you have the power to trick them.

"In case you had to do a CPR on a woman, would you dismiss the idea just because it's not comfortable to see?"


"In order to be a hero, you take no hesitation nor reluctance at saving an individual. If CPR is needed to be done on a boy, on a girl, or even an elder, you need to do it in haste in order for the victim to be stabilized." You glared at Kaminari, eyes were sharp as daggers and voice were stern as if venom was dripping on your voice.

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