|7| Believe

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By the time you arrived at the infirmary, you stretched out your arms as you yawned, kind of exhausted of teaching a new lesson plus staying up until 1 AM for no specific reason. You just wanted to stay up and do things, but it took a small toll on you.

You saw and waved to your grandmother, giving her a small smile as you greeted the old lady. "Hi, Ma."

Chiyo turned to you with her usual kind and sweet smile. "Perfect timing, dear. I need to go to the Ground Beta to watch the Class 2-A and Class 2-B's combat training and keep on standby in case someone is injured. Can you watch over the infirmary the whole time of lunch?"

You nodded, "I'm good with it, Ma. You take care." And then you hugged her, before bidding her goodbye as she left the room. You walked towards your desk, sitting on your chair before stretching out your arms. Pulling out the drawer, you readied your formulas and some test tube for making your own medicines and such.

That is until you heard a knock on the door. You turned your head towards the door and stood up, opening it. Then it revealed a curly green-haired boy with two packs on his hands, sheepishly smiling to you.

The images of what happened back at the classroom flashed back to you once again, but you bit your lower lip to prevent laughing because Pete knows you might die in laughter. What happened earlier wasn't...embarrassing at all. It was very amusing in fact.

Then he stuttered, "(Y-Y/N)—I mean, Shuzenji-sensei...I'm sorry for head-butting you earlier. And here!"

He shoved one of the packs he was holding to your face, smiling brightly, although his light blush was obvious and it almost made you smile.

"A lunch like I promised you!"

With a surprised look, you held the given meal, looking at it and turned to him as you softly exhaled through your nose. A soft smile played on your lips as you remember yesterday's note, that little sticky note he left for you when you slept. His effort was greatly appreciated, being said that no one had ever promised to treat you lunch before or to even have lunch with you.

Yeah, you were a loner back at your school days since you were really young and out of place when it comes to your classmates. Having an age gap wasn't a joke at all, especially that high school was supposed to be fun and memorable. But looking back, you noticed that you rarely smiled back then.

This year could be different.

"You didn't have to, Midoriya. But thank you for this." You said as you looked at him with a small smile, "And call me (Y/N) when we're out of the classroom. We're at the same age, anyway."

He shyly nodded and you gestured for him to come in, which he gladly did as he stepped inside the room. You moved one of the chairs towards your desk, putting it beside yours.

Both of you sat at your chairs and placed down your own lunches when Midoriya bowed to you. "I'm really sorry for head-butting you, (Y/N)-san. I was really nervous, so I may have pulled the over-reacted self-defense card..."

He laughed nervously as he lifted his flustered gaze, scratching the back of his head as he averted his deep green eyes away from yours.

You curled your lips into a bright smile, eyes were crinkled and cheeks were lightly blushing. "You always make me smile, you know? It's been a while since I've been this happy."

He stared at your (e/c) eyes, scanning them as if he was reading through them. You quickly tore your gaze away from him, fearing that he might see through you, fearing that he might read you that easily.

I didn't want him to see how pathetic I am.

"Let's eat? What do you have here for me?" He quickly snapped out of his trance, worriedly glancing at you as you put away all the tests tube and formulas and put them in their respective drawers.

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