|52| Tainted

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Your eyes were wide in both shock and disbelief of what was going on, but it wasn't a fact that you didn't know how things ended up this way. Back at your last mission, you were attacked by him and you managed to hit him in the right spot just so he can pass out, but everything else was just...blank. Sure, that monster with no face might've retrieved him when he was still unconscious, but whatever happened might be...unimaginably horrible. To think that this Nomu was once a human...who would ever believe that?

No one...not even me.

"We need this in order to know both the process and the motive of our enemy. If we could just have a single glimpse in his mind...we'll have a lead on our investigation." Hana stated as she narrowed her eyes in thought, her gaze was fixed at the Nomu in front of her. "The success of this experiment...will be significant to our investigation. I really do hope that you'll help us out."

It took you a minute to figure what you will do. Of course, the fact that Himikura was a Nomu now can't still sink in your mind, but you were here...standing in the very facility of the forensic scientists who gave their time just to solve this crime. You were a hero. And the fact that you agreed on having this mission means that you'll give whatever you have just so you can help. This was no time to be joking around, or to be afraid of what had already happened.

You were here, and you were going to do this.

"I'll...help. I'll do my best just to be the best hero that I can be." You looked at the two people in front of you, smiling bitterly. "I can't move on if I refuse to see the truth that's being shown to me."

Both of them smiled at you and nodded with slight determination in their eyes. The two knew too well that this was dangerous. You could be broken with the trauma inside your head - but you chose to fight this just to end this crime. You just hoped that everything would be alright, and everything will turn out the way the police wanted it to be.

But...good things don't usually come that easily...not without a price.

Tsukauchi patted your shoulder with a grin. "That's really heroic and brave for you to do this. Don't worry...we will be staying at your side. We will not leave you."

You smiled at the detective. "Thanks. That's greatly appreciated."

Hana nodded to the both of you and gestured for the door just beside her. "We can go across here. There's another room where the securities will be watching and where the scientist will be observing his mental activity. If he...in anyway reacts to your presence, we might be able to trace his memories..."

You nodded at what Hana said. If this experiment works, you might be able to minimize the casualties and the damage the League of Villains might do. Maybe, you can also predict where their location is or what their motive might be. There was way too many useful info that you can probably find in his mind, so it was up to you to dig it up.

The three of you went in a room filled with scientists and police along with screens that indicates the Nomu's physical and mental status.

When the three of you arrived, Hana stopped and turned to you; her eyes were filled with seriousness. "Shuzenji-san. The task is quite easy...you'll just stand there and we'll see if the Nomu will recognize you. You do have your hero costume with you right?"You nodded as you took your costume from your bag. Hana gave a quick nod before gesturing for you to follow her. She guided you through the room and led you to the comfort room to change your clothes into your hero costume. When you were done, you were immediately guided to the entrance of the Nomu's room.

"We can't go in the room with you, unfortunately," Hana said with a grim tone in her voice. She pursed her lips and pulled its corners into a thin flat line, her eyebrows were furrowed in both worry and uncertainty. "But we're just here near you. We'll go in the room, immediately."

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