|58| Treasure

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Midoriya was dismissed after the discussion and was sent back to your place. All Might apologized at the sudden revelation of truth, but Midoriya understood that it was a fact that he should know, especially that you are no his lover. He was your knight after all, and you were the princess...him increasing the reasons to protect you was natural, and he was almost grateful, yet scared of what the responsibility of protecting you bears.

He didn't even know if he was strong enough, but he promised to himself that he would be. Midoriya gave himself another reason to be the number one hero. But the doubt and sadness can still be seen on his face.

Of course, the fact that he and All Might almost died shook him to the core, but he can't do anything but to feel grateful. You gave him a second chance, another life to live on, but he felt guilty especially of that possibility that you might be throwing your future away just so Midoriya can live in the present.

You weren't necessarily throwing your life away, but Midoriya was convinced that it shouldn't be wasted on someone like him.

And that matter put a heavy weight on his heart.

You knew...Midoriya would come back with that gentle yet cheerful smile on his face, saying that he had to do something about his subjects and he needed to give his best. He was almost predictable, like a book one can read.

But to now...

...it almost felt like you were back to square one.

He was like a stranger, a man without his cheery brightness and clumsy cheer. He was so glum, it was almost as if he had a violet aura surrounding him. "Welcome back, Izuku. How was your trip to the school?"

He was sulking hard that he didn't even notice you. He went straight to the guest room where he was staying, while you followed with a confused glance.

"Izuku...?" You called. He looked at you with a hint of worry plastered on his face.

The time Midoriya went back to your flat, he had this solemn and lonely look when he looks at you. You didn't know why you had to know why. Midoriya never kept secrets from you, he never did. One way or another, you fully trusted him that he would tell you all about his sufferings, just like how you told him...but boy, you were wrong.

"What happened?" Midoriya winced in pain as if stabbed by thousand knives upon hearing your worried tone. He wanted to shout and just say it to you, those secrets he should keep. But no...he can't.

Midoriya, instead of speaking, reached out and hugged you. You almost stumbled back when he leaned his weight to you as if he was heaving a heavy burden in his shoulders. You hugged him back, supporting his current weak self and sighed. "Do...you want to talk about it?"

You expected him to say yes and he would cry. You expected him to nod and tell you everything. You expected him to just...tell you what was going on, what was hurting him...

But the silence was the one that answered your question.

He gripped your shirt, holding you within his arms ever so tightly yet so delicately as if you were a glass that can be shattered once dropped...


In your thoughts, you knew that he was already hugging the shards of your broken self.

Maybe that was it. Maybe that was the reason. You were hurting him. You were the reason. You were the one to blame. This was your fault. If you didn't make him stay...if you weren't here - then maybe -

"Thank you...(Y/N)-san. I really do thank you. Without you, I -" Midoriya stopped himself and bit his lower lip. You frowned before burying your head on the crook of his neck, sighing in relief.

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