|9.5| Suspicion

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You frantically wore your shoes and got your bag, blasting the door of your house open.

It was near 12 o clock PM, you were really late for your subject for Class 1-A. Muttering curses under your breath, you ran as fast as you can towards the school and helped some people on the way, especially catching some thieves that stole bags and such.

Common hero work for a goddamn freaking start of the fucking day.

But doing hero work just worsened your lack of time and you were still running all the way to U.A. "Damn it, what is this--a shoujo anime?! This cliché shit isn't really a good thing, fuck."

You continued your way towards the school, jogging closer only to see a crowd of mass media, asking questions to the nearby students. You walked pass them, slightly bowing your head because Pete knows--media is kind of bullshit.

I'm not definitely in the mood right now.

Then when you slipped out of them, someone held your wrist and shoved a mic right in front of your face.

The fuck?!

"What do you think of All Might be--Wait...You're that kid that easily got the pro hero lis--" You yanked out your wrist away and glared at them, before heading towards the school. You furrowed your eyebrows and stomped your way towards the school while growling.

As you arrived at the classroom, you didn't even put up your white coat so you were wearing your usual black jeans with (F/C) shirt for the top. Simple but cool.

You hastily opened the sliding door of the Class 1-A's classroom, shouting to them as you did so. "I'm sorry for being late, let's prepare for the tr--"

Everyone was looking at you, and even Aizawa who wasn't supposed to be there was looking at you from his yellow cocoon-like sleeping bag. As if everything just froze, the students, Aizawa and you weren't uttering a single word, until you slammed the door shut.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm so fucked up.

You sweat-dropped as you pivoted your heel to leave, pursing your lips and furrowing your eyebrows in slight worry--No I mean...you are totally nervous.

But before you could even get out, someone opened the door and pulled you in. You yelped in surprise, and when you looked back, seeing Aizawa with his eyes sharper than before.

Oof, Aizawa-sensei is so unhappy. I'm so dead. Send help, someone--WHO HAS A QUIRK OF MIND READING SAVE ME DAMN IT!

You nervously looked at Aizawa and the whole class who was still frozen in shock. "What did you do last night?"

You quickly averted your eyes towards the ground, biting your own lip and brows furrowed into a slight frown.

Damn it, Aizawa. You're scolding me in front of your class.

"I don't care if everyone is watching you. Tell me the reason why you were home late." You let out an exasperated sigh, raising your hands and quickly dropping them before giving him a look of disbelief.

Damn, Aizawa the mind reader.

"I'm not a mind reader, (Y/N). It's just that I can read you like a book." He deadpanned, eyes were sharp and narrowed in suspicion.

You took a deep breath and exhaled before clenching your hands into a fist.

You were prepared for this. You were a pro-hero. Of course, you were still a kid, 15 years old in fact...but it will not stop you from saying this one line. Eyebrows were furrowed in a deep and serious frown, lips were flat in a thin line and eyes were sharp and it was full of fiery passion and determination, you looked up to see him as you mustered up all your courage and poured it in your one-line comeback.

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