|46| Flowers

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The way you speak, the way you smile, the way your eye crinkles whenever you let out a genuine laugh...it was something that he adored, it was something he really liked about you. Your smooth and graceful moves, the way you tuck your hair behind your ear or the way you chuckle so softly whenever he chokes or trips on his words, it always manages to make his heart skip a beat.

Every day, every hour, every minute—heck every second, he just seemed to find something new, something adoring and loving. He couldn't help himself and he knew too well...that he was falling deep.

Too deep, too much...the overwhelming fire that was once just a spark was beginning to grow fiercer and fiercer. For all those weeks, he knew that the two of you were dating. But he can't just seem to be comforted enough by that. He wanted to be more for you—not just an important person but more than that. He wanted a label that you can confidently call him, something that would make things official. Something that would make things...true and attested.

Was he really going to do this?

Perhaps he was jumping and letting his feelings get him, perhaps it was too early to do this. Not that it was wrong right? Was it bad to let his feelings grow to just let it go? Or was this just all an exaggeration and infatuation?

He closed his eyes and sighed.

No. It wasn't. What he felt was true and it was nothing like a mere infatuation. It was something more than that, it was something that can't be explained, something overwhelming and uncontrollable. Was he...?

"Izuku...?" The said green-headed male snapped out of his daze as you snapped your fingers in hope to bring him back to reality. He looked at you, slightly blushing while you raised an eyebrow in a puzzled manner, eyeing him confusedly and worriedly. "What's wrong?"

The two of you were riding the train station towards an unknown destination—well, for you, at least. Midoriya had all the plans for this date and you were quite excited about it. Seeing that this was your first date with him, you were quite thrilled because you were finally given the time to be alone with him, and on a trip! But when you saw him staring at the ground in deep thought, his brows were furrowed in worry and his posture was tense.

Was he nervous about this date?

Maybe...I'm not sure.

"N-Nothing!" Izuku answered while frantically waving his hands, "Nothing at all."

You gave him a worried look before squeezing his hand, smiling towards him. "A penny for your thoughts?"

Midoriya pursed his lips, averting his gaze away from before scanning the environment. When he confirmed that there were only a few people on the train and most of them were away from the both of you, he turned to you and cupped your cheek. "C-Can I kiss you?"

With a chuckled, you nodded and placed your palm over his hand. "You don't have to ask, you know?" Midoriya just gave you a lopsided smile, averting his gaze away from yours. "I want to respect your personal bubble. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Oh, how thankful you were of his considerate actions and gentle approach. You never get tired of it...it was something that you adored about him anyway.

You hummed before he leaned, pressing his lips gently to yours. It was a haste kiss but you loved it for it expressed such sincerity and emotions. When he separated, he gave you a soft smile, gently caressing his thumb on your cheek. "That's my thoughts."

You leaned your head at his shoulder as you softly chuckled, blushing at his gestures. "You really make me feel fuzzy..."

After a few hours of traveling and making your way through the place, you've finally reached your destination. You were surprised at Midoriya's chosen location, it was really a place that you really liked plus it was really peaceful there. A park of different blooms and flowers with the lingering sweet scent of the roses and lavender. Different colors of different kinds of flower enlightened the whole park, filling it with lively and bright colors. You were pleased and amazed by the park's exquisite beauty—it was far more beautiful than you expected it to be.

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