|29| Heal Me

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Within a flash, you raced towards Midoriya's direction, not caring about who won or who lose.

What matters is his health and condition.

Then you checked his injuries, getting a blade that was attached to your shoes before tearing out your sleeves. Wrapping all the cloth on his arm, you huffed and then put your palm over his forehead, giving him a bit of stamina enough for the adrenaline to continue on rushing. Then you put a finger on your earpiece, another was digging a medicine on your back pocket. "Cementoss-san, could you fix the stage for me? I'll have to tend Midoriya because..." You inhaled, eyeing his all over injury—especially his severely broken fingers.

"...he...he has some major injuries I need to heal...and it might take some time and—" Cementoss laugh from the other line, waving at you from the other end of the stadium. "I'm okay. You can do whatever you want. Just be here within 20 minutes and we're good."

You gave him a small and brief nod and followed the robots that carried Midoriya towards the infirmary. On the way, Midoriya groaned and woke up causing for you to turn to him as he stirred. "I-I..." Then he winced in pain, panting heavily as the pain conquered his system.

"Izuku...don't get up. We're on the way to the infirmary to get you healed."

He took a shaky breath as he looked up to you, eyes were droopy and pained. "A-Aren't you going to scold me f-for these injuries...?" You trailed your eyes from him to your front and huffed dejectedly. "It's not that I can stop you...you even gave me a head's up about it so...no, I won't."

Then you licked your dry lips before biting it, smiling reassuringly to him. "You did a wonderful job, knight." He blinked for several times before sobbing, tears were crawling down to his temple as he hiccupped. "I-I'm so sorry that I lost. I'm so sorry..."

You clenched your jaw in guilt and gestured for the robots to stop, kneeling down to face him at his level. With a soft and caring voice, you cooed, "You didn't. For me, you won the battle with your all. You didn't give up—you gave it the best you can..." Then you cupped his freckled cheeks, softly smiling to him. "For me, that's enough."

He took short intake of breaths as he heard your soft and melodic voice of assurance, and he could've never been thankful for your existence. And now that you were walking side-by-side with him on the road he took—the two of you were together now, you were truly a blessing for him. The way you reassure him always seem to work like it was magic. It felt so nice to hear your voice, even for a second—it was as if it was a drug that he was addicted to. You were like drugs and candy—both intoxicating and addicting and sweet and nice.

Then your smile, oh, your smile...it was like a treasure that he wanted to keep for himself—and he thought that he wasn't the type to be selfish over a girl. Every time you show that smile to him, he always wondered why he deserved to see that? It was such an amazing sight—he felt he wanted to exaggerate all over again.

He felt so lucky to have you.

With a pursed lips, he looked at you with worry and hesitation in his eyes, but he proceeded and asked, "Can...I kiss you?"

Then he quickly averted his gaze, heat rushing up to his face as he forcefully shut his eyes. "I-I mean—if you want to take it slow and don't want to get too intimate yet—I fully understa—"

He was cut when he suddenly heard your angelic laughter that rang pleasantly in his ears. Then you placed a palm over his chest and smiled sweetly, "I like our pace." Then you leaned, capturing his soft lips, gently and softly kissing it.

How bad Midoriya wanted to lift his arm and run his fingers through your soft and silky (H/C) hair and pull you closer and melt within your warmth, but alas, all he can do was to grimace. Midoriya pulled and hissed in pain as if lightning continued to strike his body, while you chuckled and patted his shoulder. "Enough of that, you need to be healed."

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