|28| Lose

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Breathe in.

Breathe out...

This was it, no matter what happens, you were just going to be a watcher—an observer. It was a promise you made with Midoriya, but you can't help but worry about it. With a deep breath, the two competitors went into the ring and faced each other with an unreadable expression on their faces.

"Midoriya Izuku versus Todoroki Shoto— START!"

You inhaled your breath as you watched Todoroki hastily making ice to go for Midoriya's way. Midoriya countered it by flicking his finger, causing him to create a huge shockwave enough to destroy Todoroki's ice.

You felt a shiver trailing down your spine as the chilly air past your face, feet strongly planted on the platform so you wouldn't stumble or fall when Midoriya continues to attack.

"Whoa! He smashed through!"

You narrowed your eyes as you swallowed, lips pressing into a thin line as you thought of the possibilities on how the battle would turn out. But all of it went to waste...why?

In the end, he's going to get himself into a huge pain. And yet...

You sighed, closing your eyes as Midoriya continued to go against Todoroki by breaking his finger.

...he's going for it with open arms.

It was recklessness, really. And you hated that word. You hated reckless people that use their bodies in such a harsh way just to prove something—just to prove themselves and their wills.

But Midoriya...


...he made you think otherwise.

The road Midoriya was taking was indeed imperfect and rough—it has bumps, but it's the only route he can choose just to be something he wanted to. And you know what...?

I am willing to take that route along with him...no matter what.

With another flick of his fingers, Midoriya grimaced in pain as he realized that he used up all his fingers in his right hand. You bit your lip while watching him wince in pain—oh, how bad you wanted to heal him right here, right now. But that can't do, and you know it. You were the coordinator, and so you needed to keep it fair.

It's unfair...for me to watch him bear all that pain when I have the ability to heal him right away.

"Todoroki, undaunted by Midoriya's power, moves in to close the gap!"

With that, Todoroki advanced and attacked Midoriya who was taken aback by the sudden closeness, jumping out to evade him. It was soon witnessed as a fruitless effort when Todoroki launched his ice towards the green-headed male.

Then a sudden huge force boomed the whole stadium, causing for you to be thrown out of the platform. You yelped, crossing your arms over your face just to be protected from the possible debris that might hit your face. Then you landed, the platform tumbling beside you. A sweat rolled on your forehead as you realized who made that kind of shockwave—there's only one who can make those.

"Izuku..." You mumbled against your breath and as the smoke all cleared up, you inhaled sharply.

Damn, he fucking broke his arm once again!

You gritted your teeth and clenched your fists until it turns white, nails digging deep into your palm. It frustrated you—not the fact that Midoriya was hurt but by the fact that you can't do anything about it until he surrenders or losses. But Midoriya never surrender.

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