|64| Distraction

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"That is all there is at the last week's incident. Any questions?" You enclosed the printed report within the folder as you finished, looking at your fellow staff with a small expectant look.

It has been a week since the Fireworks Fest occurred and it finally dawned to you that you were still being chased by the League of Villains. The objective was still unknown of why they must obtain you - perhaps just interest or something else...?

Of course, you were frightened. But there was no point in being scared. You were here and standing in front of them, telling what happened. Some of the details were left out though, like the fact that you and Midoriya are alone together that night. You just said that you needed fresh air so you had to get out of the crowds and Midoriya went with you so he can accompany you. Of course, this was supported by your students and some teachers who know about your relationship, to keep it hidden.

Midnight smiled at you. "At least you weren't hurt. It's the thing we should be thankful about."

You nodded before giving her a small smile. "Thank you. But I don't think it will last long since I'm chased by them. I honestly don't know what to do."

With a reassuring smile, Yamada gently patted you. "We're here to help you (Y/N)-chan. We can solve this together and we can defeat those villains."

"I really hope so." You mumbled against your breath.

There was still this doubt lingering around your chest, never leaving you. It worried you, but you can't just seem to brush it away or to ignore it.

Aizawa raised his hand as if to suggest something. Everyone turned to him, while Nezu nodded to him, gesturing for him to continue.

"I suggest for (Y/N) to stay here in town. I know that she was supposed to be the first-aid attendant in case someone gets hurt badly, but because of her situation...I cannot simply let her go with me. I don't want her to go anywhere far from home, and I think she's more secured here especially that All Might and the other heroes are here to protect her."

You frowned, opening your mouth to oppose but then Nezu suddenly nodded at Aizawa's request. "I agree. Having (L/N)-san stay here might be the best idea we can execute right now." You clenched your first, biting your lower lip. They were worried, of course, but removing you from the training camp upset you. It wasn't fair, but you can't seem to find the words to contradict their decisions. You can't to anything and just worsen the situation.

"I...understand." You bowed, never intending to show them that you were sad about what they decided about.

The meeting was soon dismissed and so you went ahead and went home after saying goodbye to the other staffs. They noticed how you were down because of the decision that was made, but you knew that there was no use crying over a spilled milk. It was upsetting, but it was for the best. It wasn't the best situation you could have now, and what they did wasn't really a comfort, but you needed to stay in order to be safe.

If I just was strong enough...

You didn't even want to think about that, but as you walk home, you couldn't help but have those lingering thoughts. It was eating you, to be honest, but all you can do for now was to brush it away. Letting out a distressed sigh, you looked up the sky and stared at it for a while. It was clouded and a bit dark, despite the season being summer. You continued to walk as the breeze blew past you as if pushing you to go forward even if it was hard to.

You finally arrived home and you ran towards your bed and planted your face on the mattress. Then you screamed your frustration out, punching the soft mattress with your hands. Your muffled voice seemed to seep through the sheets, together with your little tears that escaped your eyes. You were frustrated with what happened...if Shigaraki didn't come to visit you on that evening, you would be packing your things happily...

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