|21| The True Angel

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"Achoo!" You sneezed and then it followed by a cough when Aizawa sighed and Yamada raised a brow at Aizawa. "What should we do?"

Aizawa gave you a look as you coughed and winced due to the fever that you have. "You do know that you can't go to the school in that state right?"

You curled in your own blankets, sniffing as the mucus stuffed in your nose. You shivered and looked at Aizawa, whining. "But I have to teach for the supplementary..."

"I already said that I'll cover for you today. So rest and don't you think of coming to school today." You groaned but you had no choice.

Since it rained yesterday and you were soaked wet for a quite long time...even with Midoriya's warmth, the cold and the fever didn't stay away at all. In fact, you caught it along with a cough and now you're lying on your bed, sick and exhausted.

You sniffed as you watched the two leave, but not without Yamada patting your head. "Rest well. We'll order food that'll be delivered in lunch. Don't stress yourself okay?" You nodded and smiled to Yamada who gave a thumbs up and a grin before he took off.

And with that, you were left alone in your room.

Midoriya didn't know how to act after all the human warmth incident yesterday. It helped him a lot, so he was considering of treating you lunch for gratitude. But then, when it was your subject, Aizawa was the one who came in. It confused Midoriya...was something going to happen for you to cancel your classes?

"Shuzenji-sensei is sick, so I'll be your teacher for today." The whole class was confused except for Midoriya. He knew what was the cause of her sickness.

If I just brought an umbrella with me...

"Even if she's sick, that doesn't mean that the supplementary lessons will be canceled. I'll be taking cover for her today, so to the ones who are going to the supplementary, please raise your hands."

The three raised their hands, except for Midoriya who kept his hands on the table. He meant to keep his hands down even if he was part of those students who needed to take supplementary. He didn't want to waste any time and decided to visit you to at least take care of you.

The Class 1-A was confused at Midoriya's action, but the some understood his actions and just chuckled.

"That's Ashido, Kaminari, and Kirishima huh... Okay then. Let's start the lesson."

Midoriya let out a sigh of relief as Aizawa didn't noticed it, but little did he knew, the said teacher fully knew who were the ones who was taking the supplementary. He knew that Midoriya was part of it, but he decided to let him go, since it was obvious in his face that he wanted to go and visit you for the meanwhile.

The day was too slow for Midoriya. It felt empty without you around, as if his day wasn't going to be complete without you.

The whole time of lunch, he was deadly silent as if he had lost his voice. He was so worried for you, that's a fact. All he wanted was the school to end now so he can see if you were okay.

Jeez, if you could only see how much he thinks of you for the rest of the day.

"She'll be fine, Deku-kun." Uraraka reassured, placing a palm on his shoulder. "She's just sick and she's Seraph, she'll be okay." Midoriya nodded and smiled to Uraraka, mumbling a thanks and went back to eating. "You can visit her later. I'm sure that she'll be glad to see you."

Midoriya didn't know about that. Because first of all, Midoriya would be skipping supplementary class, second, he might be disturbing your sleep or rest, third...he might just be a bother to you.

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