|32| To his Home

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This was it.

You were going to ring the doorbell and finally go into the Midoriya household.

Damn. You were so nervous. You even picked the right set of clothes, throwing a casual yet a fashionable look just to be presentable. A pair of jeans tucked in the pair of leather boots with a sleeveless hanging lace blouse with a long sleeved black blazer over it.

"Okay...deep breaths...Everything's gonna be alright..." You muttered to yourself in attempt to calm yourself down. This was your very first visit to Midoriya's house, and you expect the unexpected because this was Midoriya we were talking about. He was always into surprises, that's for sure...

Your finger inched towards the doorbell button, but as it moved closer, your grip on your own bag became tighter and tighter in utter nervousness.

I fucking asked for this...I FUCKING PLANNED THIS SO DO IT, DAMN IT.

You hastily pressed the doorbell, causing your heart to race as if you just fucking did a triathlon. After waiting for a minute, the door was suddenly opened, revealing a gauzed Midoriya—his face was bright and nervous at the same time. He became flustered as he saw your clothes, it totally fitted you and you rocked the style. Now, he was questioning himself on how such an amazing and gorgeous woman like you fell for a nerdy him.

"(Y-Y/N)-san! C-Come in! W-Welcome to my house!"

You nodded and smiled as Midoriya fully opened the door, letting you come in like a true gentleman. With a smile, you wandered your eyes over the place, quite fascinated by how cute and simple it was, unlike your house with grand structures and arrangements.

"Your house is nice..." You muttered while taking off your boots, while Midoriya offered a hand to help you—like a gentleman indeed. You took off your blazer and gave it to him with a small bow while he chuckled and hanged your coat by the stand. He even gave you a pair of fluffy sandals to wear and even held out his free hand for you to hold and you gladly held it while he guides you around his home.

Midoriya gestured for you to sit on the couch in the living room, telling you to wait so he can get his mother while you tensed and became stiff at your position, utterly nervous of what Midoriya's mother would look like and think of your look.

Damn, I spend three hours searching for my clothes and even got help from Yamada—even if I didn't want to.

Two figures soon emerged from the kitchen, and you suddenly stood up so you can formally greet Midoriya's mother. It was a woman in 30's, quite young and actually beautiful, and she was smaller compared to you. Her hair was the same color as Midoriya's hair, deep green, and her eyes were matching to his son too. You could see the resemblance, so you easily recognized that it was his mother.

You became tensed at your position, unable to move or even speak without stuttering. This was your first time seeing your man's parent, and it was getting on your nerves. You never thought that you would be this nervous around Midoriya's parent because you were quite confident of who you are, but damn all your words fell into a crash when you came in face-to-face with Midoriya's mom.

Guide me, whoever who wants to guide me.

"Mom, t-this is Shuzenji (Y/N)-san. She's..." He paused, slightly blushing as he gestured to you. "...a very important person for me." You wanted to shrink down and escape freely, being overly self-conscious of what you looked like. But little did you know, Izuku's mom was shocked to see such a pretty lady like you in her house, moreover, Izuku's important person! She figured that you were more than a friend to him, but she wasn't sure of your true relationship so she stayed quiet about it.

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