|37| Grim and Pain

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"That's it for the debriefing. Any questions?" You stared at the papers before you before nodding.

It was finally your time to execute the mission. It was out of the blue and so sudden, but you didn't mind it. The thing is, you were kind of nervous yet excited at the same time. After all, this was going to be your first mission after years of being stuck to U.A., so you were hoping for this to be your official start.

You wanted to take Aizawa's steps and be an underground hero. Being able to face media was something you really despised, especially that popularity was something you weren't fond of. Of course, it was a blessing to be a hero that everyone looks up to, but then there's this will to strive even if the spotlight wasn't on you. Your actions were enough.

As you finished scanning the papers that were given to you, you nodded towards the police detective, Tsukauchi Naomasa, and closed the folder with a sigh. "Camino Ward is the nests of many villains and gangs. No wonder why they would have the transaction there...but is still is suspicious. Why would they exchange for junks like these things showed in here?" You asked, tapping the folder with your finger while placing your cheek over your palm, propping your elbow on the desk.

Tsukauchi nodded. "That's what we're going to find out. As I said before, his boss has possible relations to the League of Villains...if possible, he might have an idea of where the group is located. These junks you're saying...we might find out what they might use it for."

You hummed in thought before opening the folder once again. "Tubes...and huge ass tanks and electric wires...if they have enough oxygen and formaldehyde, they can make a huge tank that can preserve people...not that it's possible to do that especially using these." Then you stopped at your position, frowning as you picked the picture of the said junks up. "Damn, I didn't notice that."

Tsukauchi blinked at you. "What do you mean?"

You sucked a breath between your teeth, frowning deeply while placing your free hand over your mouth. "This...junks, they might be used to preserve a type of specimen—more likely to make a techy cylinder, like those things you see on freaking movies or something. It's not possible to do by an average person with a limited set of skills but it's not impossible to do. They could be making some machine to make something—or someone and preserve them for future use. I know one specimen that can actually fit these things...but I'm not sure..."

Tsukauchi frowned as you stated these ideas, realization striking him as his eyebrows furrowed. "You're saying that..."

You nodded grimly, putting down the pictures with the corner of your lips pulled into a thin and flat line, hands were clenched into fists. "...Nomus."


You jumped over the buildings as you ran, face was serious and stern, eyes were keen and sharp. Your resolve to win was just strengthened by your own theory. It might be false, but you still had to grasp it since it was the only lead you had. The night was cold and chilly, but it was nothing to the coldness your felt on your fingertips as you moved. Your heart raced as you ran to the place where the transaction was going to take place. This was it...it was going to be your first solo mission.

You came to a halt as you arrived at the location—securely keeping your place hidden. It was an open lot that was hidden behind the buildings and across it was a dark forest. It was at the edge of the said district after all, so it was figured that this place can be difficult to be found. You hid behind the stacks of crates on the corner, it was near but a perfect place for an ambush.

There was no one in sight the time you arrived but after some minutes, a pick-up truck arrived, coming from the forest. The said place wasn't connected to any roads, so it was really hidden and the only way you can arrive with a car is with the forest. The said vehicle soon stopped in the middle of the lot, and someone got out of it. There, you saw the same man that you had seen in your debriefing and the mail that was sent to you.

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