|50| Lucky

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"Alright... All done." You wiped your lips with your fist as you finally finished on packing and cleaning your own faculty lab. It was quite a mess since it's been a while since you've cleaned it. You never noticed how much specks of dust had piled up and you never noticed that you were low on supplies and equipment. And so, you had to restock and since the school had officially made the teachers be responsible for their own faculties, you just had to send a report and clean things up.

It was nearly time for the school to be over, and so you were about to go home since there was nothing to do. You already did the exam papers for the finals and you also did all the paper works needed to be done for the week so you planned on going home straight and just rest...or maybe read your favorite book. Either way, you were all done and so you were free to do all the things you want to do.

You suddenly heard a knock on the door while you raised an eyebrow, turning towards the door as you shouted. "You can come in."

You sat at the desk before you crossed your arms and watched a green-headed male come in while mumbling an apology for barging in. With a small smile, you tipped your chin to him, an eyebrow was raised. "Hey. I can see that you're done for the day."

He nodded shyly, same old as ever but you never get tired of it. Midoriya will always be adorable.

"I just thought that I wanted to see you since...I know it's going to be hectic for me from now on. Since the finals are coming, I should keep studying and train at the same time and I think I might have no chance to see you after school..." Then he paused, sitting down beside you as he smiled sheepishly. "...I kinda wanted to see before I go."

You chuckled, leaning your head to his shoulder. "Yeah...being a student is sure hard, huh?"

He nodded, softly tilting his head to rest on top of yours. "Mhmm...that's why I decided to take up on that offer of yours." You leaned back, slightly confused until you realized that you invited him to study at the library earlier. Your face brightened a little as his word sank through your mind which made you absent-mindedly grab his hand, clasping it within yours. "You really...want to?"

He chuckled before nodding while you playfully punched his arms, smiling widely. "I thought you were going to feel unfair because of this..." You halted, shrugging before you leaned your head back to his shoulder, "I dunno, because I'm a teacher."

Midoriya felt hot all of a sudden. A thought danced pass his mind and he didn't know if he wanted to say it. But you've been completely honest to him, so why should he hesitate? Not that it was bad or something...he just can't help but feel that way.

So he brought his hand up, covering his pink tinted cheeks as he mumbled, softly, gently and quietly. "I want to hang out with you, even if it means being unfair to everybody. This is the least that I can do, and...I just feel like I want to be selfish. After all..." Then he bowed, his expression was shadowed by his curly hair. "...isn't this what a boyfriend supposed to do?"

Almost immediately, your feelings got mixed up. You were unused for his way of speaking romantically, but it sure did slap some unexpected-vibes that shocked the hell out of you. This is what Midoriya was...he was unpredictable. Sure, he was shy and timid-usually sheepish and clumsy, but he always picks up and learns easily. Even getting into a relationship, he was learning just to make you feel better, and nothing could make you happier than that. It wasn't easy to do things that you were unfamiliar with, and getting out of the comfort zone was the first step of it but...Midoriya, you can see every bit of effort he pours to you, just so you would be comfortable and at ease, just for your sake.

Isn't that too sweet of him?

"Izuku..." You snaked your arms around his waist, smiling lightly while pressing your cheek on his chest. "You're so cute you know that?"

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