|68| Discontinued

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They always said how special you were. The youngest hero to ever get her own license as a hero, an accomplished teacher and a healer nurse. All your life, you thought that healing and rescuing others was the right thing to do in order to prevent people from experiencing loss as you did. But who knew that you could do a whole more than that?

Everyone, except you.

You stared at the darkness that stretched before, it seemed to want to swallow you whole.

You were willing to.

How long have you've been here? How long have you stayed here? You didn't even count.

"Do you want to see a friend?" Kurogiri asked, sitting on the chair that he previously put before you. You didn't respond and just gave the villain a blank glance. "You don't speak anymore. Does the truth damaged you that hard?"

You were silent. Not even bothering to answer his insignificant question. "I'll ask you questions before we go to Tomura, just nod if yes, shake your head if no."

You slightly nodded your head, understanding his instructions. Besides, what's the point of disobeying? All you can do from this point forward was to follow instructions, not that rebelling would do you any good.

...not that expecting someone to come for you.

That's right - meeting, blooming, inhaling, exhaling then crying...it's all a process one must endure, everyone must experience. Then after crying, one must be ready to meet another one. A fresh new start...but this wasn't fresh - more like a disgusting and rotting way to start anew.

"First question, are you willing to cooperate now?" You nodded.

"Second, do you want to help us?" You shook your head.

"Third, are you ready to submit under the kingpin's orders?" You nodded.

"Fourth, do you still want to come back to UA?" You stayed still. No answer. Even if you thought of it, you don't know for sure. After feeling betrayed by everyone who kept you in the dark, you don't even know if you want to come back or not. If you're alone with your thoughts, you would suffer, but if you saw them, you would be upset...so what's the right answer?

Even so, Kurogiri waited for your answer. He didn't proceed to the next question, nor stopped the interrogation. He just...waited.

Then you shook your head.

"Fifth, do you still want to be a hero?" You paused to think. What's a hero, really? For you, it's those who save...those who prevent evil from happening. Who defends the world from devastation and those cliches where the save the day from villains. Who fights for justice and stops the crime in the city.

You're tired of that...somehow.

So you shook your head.

"Sixth...do you miss him?"

You looked up to see him. Somehow, you can still feel a faint of emotion lingering in your chest, although too weak to be even considered. You were still confused and didn't know how to answer. Thoughts conquered your mind, and you couldn't stop it.

Do you miss him?

Do you want to see him?

Did he know that thing about your quirk? If yes, then why didn't he tell you?

What's his reaction when he found out about your quirk?

Pity? Disgust? Confusion? Hatred?

You wondered how is he doing right now? Is he crying? Is he in pain? Is he panicking because you were gone? Is he lonely? Does he still think about you before he sleeps?

Bliss of a Cure |(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now