|22| Thriller Seeker

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"Damn it, Aizawa." You muttered under your breath as you clenched your folder, glaring at the teacher whose expression cannot be seen due to the bandage around his head.

"(Y/N) is clearly meant for the job. She'll do great." You were literally ticked off by Aizawa's unreadable expression because, goddamn it, you were over of this shit he was pulling.

Groaning in utter frustration and irritation, you planted your head within your arms, swinging your legs like a kid throwing a tantrum.

A week already passed since the USJ attack and so the mid-terms started. It was a 3-day exam on different majors and core subject—but you were assembled in the conference room for another thing. It was for briefing of the sports festival that was going to be held in this school. Sports fest in U.A. is a big event that it is so much awaited and anticipated, but since the USJ attack, the school was forced to take precaution and have the security tighter than before.

You discussed things about the precautions and the hero's that we're going to be assigned to guard the stadiums, along with the possible outcomes and the proper steps to evacuate the people once the sports fest is attacked, but after that discussion was about the hosts and committees of the event itself.

The stations were already planned and so the possible stages were already set up, so it left for the commentators and referee of the fest itself. But things don't go on your way when you were assigned for a dreadful thing that might give you nightmares at night.

"Alright then, we'll have (Y/N)-san to be a referee and host of the 1st year sports fest, Midnight for 2nd year and me for the 3rd year." Principal Nezu announced, sipping a bit on his tea.

All was lost when you finally heard the Principal confirm Aizawa's childish wishes. You were 15 years-old and you weren't ready for this shit. Of course, it was such a job that a kid cannot handle—but the youngest pro hero being the referee of the fest? It'll be a fantastic and interesting fest. And besides, Aizawa said that you were fitting for the job, and you were doing a great work on being such a nice and fair teacher. Everyone always noticed that you were always unbiased, even for pranking your roommates. But that aside, you were simply perfect for doing the drill.

"Holy shit, noooooooo~" You whined, gritting your teeth as you turned to Aizawa. If it wasn't for his ridiculous idea, you would be beside your grandmother, helping her heal students that are wounded for the fest. But no, Aizawa had to break that and come up with that ridiculous scheme.

Just because I ate his sweet on the fridge without permission. Dang it, Aizawa...your revenge is so scary.

But you let your childish self out, playfully punching his shoulder as you practically snarled, "You freaking mummy, I will kill you once you get out of that fucking toilet paper."

Even though his expression was hidden, you can clearly tell that he was grinning mischievously inside it. It was as if you can hear it and sense it with your sixth sense...it was almost ridiculous.

"Don't you want that? You can see in person on how your boyfriend wil—"

"Fuck you." You blushed because you clearly knew who he was talking about. It's freaking irony, you knew, because several days ago—back when you were sick, Aizawa caught Midoriya taking care of you.

It was so embarrassing and he even pointed out that he knew Midoriya was part of the supplementary but he chose to let him go since he was clearly worried for you. Midoriya was forced to the corner as Aizawa mentioned and asked trivial things, especially about if he took really good care of you.

Then, in the end, he said, "Protect her. The Devil might get your angel if you don't."

And it really confused you.

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