|45| Fine Sunday Morning

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You yawned as you served the plates with the bacon and eggs on the dining table, and the said foods were still fresh from the pan. It was weekend—Sunday to be exact. The morning was a little bit too perfect, it was bright and sunny like it was almost aesthetic. You knew that the morning was too good to be true, was something bound to happen?

You didn't know.

Anyway, you placed the cups filled with coffee down, one of them had creamer and one was strong black, while yours was (macchiato, espresso, latte—whatever you wish). You nodded at yourself as you finished serving the meals so you proceeded towards your roommates' rooms. While untying your apron, you went towards Aizawa's room and stopped before the door before lifting your fist to knock on his door.

"Hey! Sleepyhead!" You called before Aizawa's door, "Wake up or I'll dump your bacon to the trash bin."

You knew that Aizawa loved the said meal too much, he won't be able to resist it. So saying such a warning definitely lit the flames inside Aizawa. The said male growled from the other side of the door. "I dare you, (Y/N). I fucking dare you to touch my bacon."

You chuckled as you shook your head before proceeding towards Yamada's room. On your way there, you became surprised when the blonde suddenly jumped to you, scaring the shit out of you. "Boo!"

You screamed in astonishment, eyeing Yamada with wide eyes. "Fucking hell—Yamada!" You were about to throw a punch to him when he raised his hands in surrender. "CHILL, (Y/N)! Someone's in the living room and they're waiting for you."

Raising an eyebrow, you slowly withdrew your fist and let it fall to your side.

"Why in the third person...?" Yamada shrugged at you, slightly snickering as he smirked. "Just to keep the mysterious vibe. Ya' know—guess the person, like those things. But I think that you might have an idea on who it is...a hundred percent sure." Then he nodded to himself as if to reassure himself that he was right—that you knew whom it might be before walking past you. "Anyways, I hope you cooked extra bacon!"

You narrowed your eyes at Yamada as you watched him go to the dining room, meeting up with Aizawa (who was still tucked in his cocoon) on the way. Thoughts and guesses filled your mind as you walked towards the living room. You had an idea that it might be him, and you mean him—meaning Midoriya. You had no idea what his business might be, though you were sure that you forgot something. You narrowed your eyes in thought and finally arrived at the living room, seeing the expected green-headed floof to be there and he was sitting on the couch, pinching his lips as if he was in a deep thought.

"Hey there, Izuku." Midoriya perked up from the call, his head was turning to you with a slightly nervous and lopsided smile. With a chuckle, you sat beside him, looking at him with a curious glance. "What's up?" You asked.

Midoriya looked at you, smiling sheepishly with pink lightly dusting his cheeks. "It's weekend. Our...d-d-date." He was stuttering while saying date as if he had some difficulty on saying it. You just smiled at his adorable gestures, placing your hand over his.

"I thought it was moved...? You need to rest right?"

"I-I don't want to miss this chance!" He exclaimed all of a sudden, strongly protesting against the idea of moving it. You were surprised though, on how desperate he seemed when it comes to this date. Sure it was your first date and this was important, but his health and condition was your priority. Due to the attack in Hosu, he got a pretty bad injury on the leg and Midoriya refused for you to heal it since he said, he didn't want to take it for granted.

You somehow understood it, he was just showing to you that even though you were his—it didn't mean that you'll spoil him and always fix him. He didn't want you to think that it will always work that way. You weren't just a healer for him. You were his girl. He didn't want you to be something that will always shoulder the consequences that he was always ready to face. That you someone more than that.

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