|12| The Bliss

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Crimson red blood pooling around his body along with his unfazed face and unmoving self. Everything fell and everything became dark as he lied in the cold ground, covered in blood.

Tears continued to stream down your face as you saw him unmoving. Your calls were nothing but breeze passing through him, useless.

Aizawa was lying down, bleeding.

And two students were still there, in danger. The scene couldn't be much worse with your friends lying down on the ground, bloody and almost dying. The true heroes are already done and out... Hence, the villain chuckled and turned to the remaining students, Mineta and Asui and behind his mask made of a hand, he grinned creepily.

With a high, excited and giddy voice, he uttered, pointing the two students. "You're next."

Hands are tied, leg is injured, comrades are down, students in need...what can you do? With your hands tied, you can't do anything.


Once again, all of it was happening. You already lost your parents in the same way...it was hopeless; it was already too late. He can't be dead, can he? Midoriya is a strong person, and he would survive and fight this. After all, he was reckless person with a strong determination...

Ah...who am I kidding?

It was obvious that Midoriya was dying. He was bleeding too much—his injuries are fatal. You don't even know if he's still alive. You wanted to heal him, take him back, even if it takes everything...

He saved you in a way he can, risking his life just to protect you.

What can I do to save him?

You tried to move, using your uninjured leg to push yourself closer to him. Tears were long dry on your stained and flushed cheeks, sucking a shaky breath within your gritted teeth as pain in your leg and chest stung you.

It hurts to see you like this...why...?

As you moved closer, you looked at him and scanned his injuries.

There's a lot.

You desperately wiggle your wrist in any way to free yourself, turning to Midoriya as tears once again brimmed in your eyes. "I-I need to..." You even tried to turn your wrists in hope for the cloth to loosen and you were so desperate to the point that your hands already bleed in too much from forcing your hands to slip out of the cloth. It was no avail.

"Midoriya, I'm so sorry--" Then you bowed, resting your forehead in his chest as you sobbed, closing your eyes as hope faded into nothing but darkness within the sea of void.

"Then you go and heal him when he's hurt."

Your eyes shot open and head suddenly lifted when you heard it. A flame sparked within your soul as you soon reminded yourself with your grandmother's words that seemed to echo in your mind as a reminder of not giving up.

She was right. You were a healer. You had the ability to heal in order to save lives. You were given the power to be someone--to be a hero that saves others no matter what happens. And now that you are a hero, you need to play out your role and save him.

No matter what.

You lifted your head and took a deep breath, crawling closer to Midoriya. You looked down at his calm and peaceful face as your expression softened, a strand of hair falling to your cheeks.

You already decided.

I'm so sorry, Mama, Papa.

You leaned closer, closing your eyes as you let out a soft breath through your nose.

Bliss of a Cure |(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now