Side Story| A Normal Day

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"Eh...?" Your friend at the hospital and an intern surgeon, Fujihara Yuuki gasped in shock and her eyes widened as she pulled your sleeve.

"You're kidding.'re Deku's girlfriend? Like that famous hero right now?! Oh my god, you are kidding me!" You softly laughed and shook your head. "Nope, I'm not kidding. We have been striving"

Fujihara blinked, frowning when you suddenly stopped saying that. "For what? Don't leave me hanging, Senseeeiiiiii."

You gave her a smile, almost a surprised one. "For 8 fucking years."

"What?! come I've never heard of this?!"

"I didn't realize until now either. Damn...we've been together for so long."

Fujihara huffed. "Damn right you do. Are you two engaged?"

You hummed. "Not yet, sadly. We are living together, but so far our careers have been making us busy so we haven't had the time to discuss about it."

Fujihara gaped. How come that you've been together for so long and currently not engaged? For eight years...that's incredible.

"I mean...that's reasonable."

You shrugged. "I'm working on the hospital and an active resident in here. There are times I work for like...24 hours and I can't even get out of here. Sometimes, Izu- err...Deku has his hero jobs and missions so yeah..."

Fujihara hummed. "But...aren't you worried? That someone might get to him while you're away?"

You stopped, pondering about it. "Unlikely. Deku is like...really shy and embarassed around girls and can't even hold a conversation to them for too long, so I doubt it. Plus, I trust him a whole lot."

Your co-worker whistled in amusement. "Ain't that much of confidence. But he has this fanclub right? Along with Shoto and Ground Zero."

You chuckled. "That ain't of a big deal, fsshhh. He's a whooollleeee lot sheepish than he looks like. Promise, I've been there soooo many times."

Both of you laughed. You were just taking a short lunch break but you were suddenly cut off when your phone suddenly rang.

You picked up the call and placed your phone next to your ears. "Hello, Doc?"

"(L/N), is Fujihara with you?" He asked.

You looked at the girl and nodded before speaking. "Yes. We are in the cafeteria at the moment."

"Good. You have to be on standby because a patient is coming. I want you and Fujihara to diagnose them and set up for a surgery if needed. I'm currently setting up for a surgery too, but I'll catch up when I'm done. For now, I want you to lead the surgery if I'm still not there."

You nodded standing up before nodding to Fujihara. She nodded back and stood up, wearing her white coat. "Got it. When will the ambulance arrive?"

"Well, I can't say that for sure. And it's not an ambulance that's coming."

" you mean?"

"I don't know. Just...take care of the patient. I trust you. It's been 5 years since you went in here and it's been 5 years that I've been training you. You can do this."

You nodded. "Thanks, Doc."

"Good luck."

Then the doctor hang up while you and Fujihara ran to the emergency entrance. When you arrived, as if on cue, Midoriya popped up before you, panting and quite wounded.

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