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You sighed as you finally finished making papers and researching villains to submit for the government. With a swig of coffee, you propped your elbow on your desk and huffed, staring at the desktop before you.

It was already 1 AM and it was a stressing yet blissful night, considering that you just spilled our past to Midoriya down to the point where reality had to go in because you were still a hero and a working individual too. Not that you had much of a choice, since that you were working in the government—not doing your job makes everything worse than it already is.

As you placed down your cup of drink, you once again sighed and paused for a while. When you averted your gaze away from to monitor towards the calendar beside your pile of papers, you saw the date of the exams. It was only days away and after that...summer vacation.

You leaned back on your chair as you look at the ceiling, eyes were slightly narrowed and eyebrows were furrowed in slight curiosity. Then you let your thoughts dance and lurk around your mind.

You wondered what would happen if Midoriya and you both went on a short vacation? A date like what the both of you did the last time? It was going to be fun, alright, but it was said in the meeting that they had to go to a training camp to train their quirks into full potential before they went through the second semester. It's been months, but time seemed to fly so fast yet every second was full and packed of overwhelming events. You never imagined that this kind of thing would happen to you—heck, this was the last thing you could ever imagine.

Yet, having someone be by your side feels so amazing that your thoughts on dealing with everything alone took a huge turn in your life. It was exhilarating to see someone and to feel them care for you...you never wanted to let that feeling go.

As your thoughts flew and went pass your mind, your eyelids became heavy and so you let yourself fall into the darkness as you closed your eyes.

Darkness faded as the light shone brightly before your eyes and so an image of a grassy land along with the feeling of warm breeze passed through your skin. A familiar green-headed male was feet away from you, his back turned to you and his face was looking sideways towards your direction.

"(Y/N)-san. I..."

You inhaled as you opened your eyes, instantly sitting up from the bed.


You looked around as you saw yourself in your own room wearing your usual pajamas and you were even tucked under the covers of the bed. Your face twisted into a confused one as you recalled the last events before you passed out and all you can remember was passing out in front of your desktop. You looked at your own table and saw that it was organized and neat—it was almost unbelievable.

You narrowed your eyes in both thought and shock, trying your hardest to remember what you did last night. Certainly, it didn't involve you changing your clothes or properly organizing your own table—or even tucking yourself into your bed. It was confusing on how you suddenly jump from sleeping on your chair to suddenly sleepwalking towards the bed—changing into pj's and cleaning up included.

It was until you smelled something...burning.

Your eyes widened as you immediately hopped off your bed, forcefully and quickly opening your room door before running straight to the source of the smell. Smoke and the crisp smell of burn started to waft around your nose while you waved it away until you reached the kitchen.

"AAHH! THE SOUP—THE SOUP IS BLACK! LIKE YOUR SHIRT AIZAWA!" You heard someone groaned. "This is so troublesome. I somehow knew that this would happen."

You closed your eyes as a visible and with an almost audible pop of your vein appeared in your forehead. Clenching your fists, you took a deep breath and walked towards the failing pair. As you stomp your way, the burning smell was getting stronger and so you can see how black and burn—not just the soup, but the pot itself was burnt.

Bliss of a Cure |(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now