|25| Unexpected

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"Damn it." You muttered to yourself as you bit your lip, walking out of the platform. It was lunch break and so you were going to take your lunch meal with your friends. But then...

Why did I promise myself that I would confess if Midoriya took the first place?! Damn it.

You were furiously blushing at that thought and you were given the time to do it. Now that it was lunch break, it was the perfect time for you to say it—but it might leave Midoriya unfocused if you suddenly poured your feelings to him out of the blue.

Maybe I can forget the promise...I'm the only one who knows it so...

"Yeah, yeah...maybe I'll forget it..." You muttered under your breath as you walked towards the cafeteria, bumping into someone along the way. You took a step back and slightly bowed in apology. "I'm sorry, I wasn't loo—" "(Y-Y-Y/N)-san?"

You lifted your head as you heard that familiar voice once again, seeing the green-headed male in front of you. "Midoriya?"

Then you suddenly froze at your spot, your inner self nagging you to say it yet it is just...so hard to do it. Fate must be kidding with you now because, goddamn, this wasn't the right time for you to meet him. You were still hesitating with your thoughts and feelings—but now that he is here...you couldn't help but to feel suddenly embarrassed. You blushed when you suddenly saw him and frowned, hiding your flustered face behind your hand.

"I-I thought you were...with the others? The lunch started minutes ago right?"

"W-Well...about that..." His cheery demeanor fell into sadness all of a sudden as he reminded himself about Todoroki's past. It was something...maybe a reminder that life isn't a journey that you can easily pass by. It was also a reminder for Midoriya that everyone has great gaps between each other—he doesn't know how to reach them.

He looked at the puzzled girl before him, giving her a worried glance.

How wide is our gap...(Y/N)-san?

"What happened?" You asked, your face was full of concern towards the boy. He was just so...sad that it bothered you. You placed your palm on his shoulders, looking towards him with a small smile. "Let's talk about it over lunch? I know a place that isn't crowded..."

The two of you soon ordered your own lunch (of course with your authority, you managed to grab them easily—Lunch Rush is a friend of yours) and went to your own private spot.

At the back of the stadium, there's an exit near the course that leads to a small open field. It wasn't wide—maybe half a size of a regular oval track. There was a huge tree across the grassy plain and you can sit under the shades of it to relax and to calm yourself before the sports fest resumes. It was rather a clichéd scenery, but you didn't mind it...you wanted to take a breather out the crowd anyway.

Who would say that being a referee isn't tiring?

"This is a nice spot, (Y/N)-san. Thanks for taking me here..."

You smiled at him as you sat on the soft grass beside Midoriya. "Nah, it's good." Then you looked at him with a concerned glance, eyebrows were furrowed in worry and lip pursed into a thin line. "Besides, I thought that it was nice for you to have time to think about...things."

He eyed you with a shock looked before he chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his nape. "How can you do that? It's like I'm a book you can easily read."

You chuckled, softly looking at Midoriya. "You are a book that can be easily read Midoriya..." You muttered, eyes crinkling a bit as you smiled sweetly, "That's what I like about you."

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