|63| The Two of Us

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Of all people you can encounter...why was it him that you must meet?

Shigaraki Tomura.

Midoriya quickly pulled you behind his back, cautious and observant of Shigaraki's actions. The villain laughed at the two of you as if you were being ridiculous. Everything that was happening right wasn't a joke, you knew, but his hysterical laughter that was echoing around you almost threw you back to your fears.

Trembling, you clenched your jaw and glared at the villain. "What do you want from us?" You asked, attempting to cut his laughter off. It was successful, seeing how he stopped laughing. You can't see his face behind that hand covering it, but you can clearly sense how he suddenly turned serious.

"What do I want...?" Then he turned to you, the side of his wide grin can be seen despite the hand covering most of his face. "...you, of course, angel."

Midoriya gritted his teeth and took a step back away from Shigaraki. But as he did that, the villain only took a step forward. Midoriya was thinking so hard of how they'll escape. He could shout for help or send an SOS message - either way, he knew he can't fight this man alone. He was too strong and too intimidating, his quirk can turn him to ashes anytime at all. His options were clearly limited to him calling for back-up. Even if he went to stall him for some time, he didn't want to leave you alone, especially that the possibility of having another enemy was high...

"Are you panicking? Are you seeing the fire on that festival? Are you thinking about what do next?" Then Shigaraki paused, cocking his head to the side, "...or are you scared?"

Midoriya might be called a coward if he was to answer that he was indeed afraid of him. But he didn't want to lie to himself when it was obvious.

"Yes, yes, yes...and yes. I am scared but what of it?" Midoriya said, brows were furrowed into a deep frown. "...I don't care if I'm scared. If I can protect (Y/N)-san even if I'm scared, I'll do whatever it takes just so she wouldn't be hurt."

Shigaraki laughed maniacally. "Are you insane?! How can you be so sweet in this situation?!" He scratched his neck in irritation, growling under his breath. "I'm so disgusted that I want to puke. Makes me want to tear you two apart." The villain stopped, stuffing his hand in his pocket, nodding towards Midoriya. "If you don't want to die, how about you hand the angel over?"

"I won't."

You held Midoriya's sleeve, thinking of what to do. Enemies can appear anywhere and you didn't know if he was alone for sure. There was that man who was called Kurogiri who warned you about something...you tried to remember what his words was, only to pale in shock because he might be talking about this time...

"...if that man wanted something, he'll take it even if it costs something...or someone."

A sweat formed on your temple, rolling down on your cheek. The blazing heat of the summer, plus the raging fires on the festival below...did everything happened because of you?

It was frustrating.

Another explosion broke out below, causing more panic and casualties. You turned towards Shigaraki, frowning. "Please, stop this."

"What? This...?" He motioned towards the chaotic festival, chuckling deeply, "No. Not until I got what I came here for. How pathetic, right? All of this just to get you..." He cocked his head to the side, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, you'll sacrifice everything - even everyone, just to get the treasure."

You were even more afraid. You had more regrets. He confirmed it himself...you were the reason why this was happening. Fear crawled to your chest, gripping it, squeezing it as if to suffocate you. The smell of the burning things, the unbearable heat, the fright...you can't seem to grasp it all at once.

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